Work from home? Or ANYWHERE?
People talk about "work from home". But what about "work from anywhere"?
That freedom to work from anywhere is something that I always wanted... till I actually tried it out.
Truth be told, it is not as glamourous as people make it out to be: Your laptop runs out of battery, your get bugs and dirt in your pants and your electrical devices, there is bad internet signal... a host of issues you have to put up with.
But when you get it right,?it is definitely worth it.
It is not for everyone, but if you are interested in knowing how to set yourself up, you can start by getting?your own Structure of Success by clicking here.
Recording an Ad Campaign in the Mountains
It has been a long process for me (I am a slow learner), but I realize that focusing on creating campaigns, ads and "sales materials" is essential for me to not only run a profitable business, but also to help more and more people!
I know, the cynic in me tells me "you're doing it just for the money"... but Alhumdulillah, that's settled for me. Of course, I want to earn scary amounts of money, but the PURPOSE of doing what I'm doing MUST NOT BE LOST on me! And the purpose is to enable higher performance, to help people be more than they were before. To say aameen to our motto: "Khuda karay tujhay teirey maqaam sey aagah!".
And If I can get the message of Personal Self Development and building a ProHobbyist lifestyle, of building a powerful and a profitable brand in front of more and more people, more people will hopefully get to improve their life AND I get to inshAllah make a decent profit in the process.
So I made it a point - mashAllah la quwatta illa billa - to take some time (and "recruit" one of family members to be my cameraman! :D ) and record ads for an upcoming ad campaign.
We ended up recording 5 different ads up in the mountains of Galiyat.
Because it was off-season, it meant less people in the mountains. And also meant, cheaper rates for cottages!! :) We were staying near Gharyal, where we booked an three-bedroom cottage via AirBnB, which AirBnB cancelled on its own at the last minute, but the owner was gracious enough to say "to hell with BnB" and rented his cottage to us for two nights, allowing us to have a great time as a family in the process. Alhumdulillah.
Good people are aplenty in this world, mashAllah! May God make it easier for us to find good people, and?be?among the good people, aameen! :)
Road to Sales - for 60+ people!
60+ sales staff of one of the fastest growing real estate firms in Islamabad: I had the opportunity to train them on our signature?Road To Sales training workshop.
And come to think of it, this "DreamBreaker" session was started years ago! It helped me figure out my goals and it has helped hundreds others mashAllah as well now.
This training is only available for groups and teams, but If you are interested in getting more sales, I have?this free resource that you can use immediately?(like literally from tomorrow you can start using it, and 14 days later you'll be at a different spot in your business inshAllah). And if you want me to deliver this to a team or a group, you can know more about that arrangmenet by?clicking here.
Adventures, Challenges & Experiments
Current challenges for me include building our own team (at Momekh ) to ensure we produce valuable content on a CONSISTENT basis. A lot of stuff for silly ol me to learn, and I only pray and hope that I am able to create content that INSPIRES and EDUCATES. Please do let me know what challenges are you facing, where you are stuck, so inshAllah perhaps I can dig up a solution and share with you,
I wish you the best in both worlds, God bless and inshAllah talk soon,
Question for You
What Adventures, Challenges and Experiments are you "conducting" right now in your life? Work related or otherwise...
hint: if you can't think of any, make one up and let me know in the comments! ;-)