Work for Freedom Instead of Stuff
Kel Galavan
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Working for money is easy.
Did I really write that?
I can see you glaring at the screen. I can feel your penetrating looks of frustration as you read those words.
I know you're mentally shouting.....
Work is not easy. Work takes up so much time and energy.
Work is a chore, a challenge and an outright pain in my backside!
Have you met my boss?
Ok, I hear you. Those early mornings and long commutes aren't your favourite way to spend time.
But hear this and hear it well, my words still stand.
Working for money is easy.
Working is the easy part of life.
You show up, give it all you can, and in return ( even if you've had the odd off-day, we've all had them, and there's no shame in that), you get a paycheck into your account each pay period. (Freelancers and your self-employed rockstars, don't feel left out you know where I'm coming from.)
Happy days.
Rinse and repeat. The system works, and money appears.
Over and over until you retire.
Fun, isn't it?
It's easy to work for money. That's what most people do. They do it their entire lives. As a result, most of us are actually quite good at earning money. It's an underappreciated skill, you know.
Just because so many other people do it doesn't mean you shouldn't acknowledge it once in a while.
So, we've established now that making money is the easy part.
But unfortunately, that is not the full picture. If it was ONLY about income, then why aren't we all rich beyond our wildest dreams and rolling around in wads of cash?
Well that, my dear friends, is the interesting part.
A few years back, I made a massive shift in my habits. I swung the needle from simply earning money and hoping everything else would work out.
Everything else like: financial security, no debt, lots of savings and all the good things we want but seem to elude us a lot of the time. I swung the needle with all my might to OPTIMISE for FREEDOM instead of optimising for MONEY.
"I live how I want and not how I'm told I should live" is a motto I thrive on now. Money supports that life goal.
I know what I want from life, and it's NOT to be ultra-wealthy and be surrounded by things.
It is to be free to choose what I want to do with my time and to make choices because I want to and not because my hand is forced. I want to never worry about money again because I know it's waiting in the wings to jump in like a bodyguard when the fan gets splattered.
When I optimise for freedom, it becomes clear that consumerism takes me further away from it. I don't like to be taken away from a stress-free life. That is not what floats my boat.
Money is a relationship that you must master. A healthy relationship with money gives you more time to do what you want. Think about how to use your money to buy your time back.
Freedom is a healthy relationship.
Maybe, you might try it on for size, I think you'll like the fit.
Kel ‘I live how I want’ Galavan