Thoughts for artists just starting out. Chapter One?: Work for free?

Dear Young Artist,

Firstly,don’t take advice from cynical old fogeys blindly,(I’m not old btw), especially “industry veterans“ who love giving advice. #seewhatIdidthere. Humans sometimes form not so objective conclusions based on past experiences.The bad may be exaggerated,the good may be forgotten.

My advice to you is to,within reason,consider,examine and question any advice given.

Breathe, 1...2...3…now read on.

I’m going to explore a few situations I faced at the beginning of my career... acting, emceeing events, voice overs and what not. Whatever your art/craft/ business is, this is applicable to you.Yes It’s a business. It’s called Show Business not Show Friends. ( I just wanted to sound cool by quoting Jerry Maguire, he he... No? #Whatevs )

I may refer to and conflate situations related to film or events, so I’ll leave it to you look for parallels. (‘Conflate’ is a great word no?)

Working for free

Once in a while you will come across a smug gentleman who thinks he can make a fool out of you, and he probably will,because you’re either desperate,or just plain naive.

This is how the conversation will go.Lets call him Ronodeep. (What? It’s a cool name.) 

Ronodeep : Bro, there’s no budgets

You, (lets call you ‘Sweety’), show your hesitation, and since Ronodeep knows he’s being a (Insert expletive), he will swiftly start his spiel.

Ronodeep : Press will be there man. You’ll get coverage.

Sweety  : Hmm

Ronodeep : Not only that. We are bringing (Insert names of celebs). You will be seen with them. It’s gonna be big!

End scene

Step One : Question the man

When you’re getting a new WiFi connection you do ask relevant questions right? You will investigate, grill or Google. (You’re always posting bold memes about questioning the government or articles about positive work culture, so why not put that epic activism to the test here.) Ask him about this coverage he is promising.

Don’t know what to ask? Here’s some examples

  • Will it be an interview or a quote by me?
  • Will it be a photo?
  • Which publications or channels have confirmed attendance?
  • Will it be a quarter page article in BT or a nice insipid celeb feature in Brunch? (The cool folks say BT, not Bombay Times)
  • Will there be a press conference and will I be on the dais?
  • Bhai Saab, just want do you mean by coverage specifically?
  • Will you tag me on all social media posts?
  • Will you do an insta story on me?

Getting the picture?

Chances are, Ronodeep will get flustered like a call centre exec being asked an off-script question, because no one really asks these questions. He may then give you the “Arre yaar, ho jaayega” garbage and proceed to give some vapid and empty reasoning for maintaining a relationship with his epic company.He’s going to show concern for your career and future. “Kal aapko hi bulayenge”.

He may also spout something official sounding like “Best efforts”. It’s BS corporate lingo like that 90’s word “synergies”.

If he’s even slightly honest he will say that he can’t guarantee press coverage for you.

Hesitant to ask these questions? Why?

  • You’re afraid of looking like a jerk? Then work on a polite way of asking. For eg. “Ronodeep bro, I don’t mean to be rude, this is new to me, so I’d like to ask a few questions if you don’t mind.”
  • You’re afraid of him not liking you? ( I suggest therapy to look into issues of self worth 
  • You’re afraid of losing the gig. (Refer to point one)

Now after your chat, or actually right now, you should ask yourself some questions.

Questions for Sweety

  • As of now, are you Ranbir Kapoor? Are you Dimple Kapadia? ( Not a bloody word against Dimple okay!)
  • Why would the Bombay Times write or post a picture about you?
  • Is Ronodeep a PR person? Is he actually talking to the press himself or is it his PR agency that will be doing that? How does he know what to guarantee?
  • Is Ronodeep asking for your write up to hand over to the press? 
  • At any given point, there are simultaneous events,shoots and celebs popping up all over Mumbai. What is it about you that will boot out Radhika Apte’s or Swara Bhaskar’s red carpet pics?
  • Your friend Soham did a web series on some random OTT platform a year ago and got covered. How many times has he been covered post that? Where is he now? What was the coverage like?

Making sense?

Now don’t feel bad, I don’t mean to make you feel bad about yourself.Hence the words “As of now”. You have time and you could be the next Varun Gandhi or Ali Bhatt. 

You are beautiful and talented and I love you, but the media doesn’t know you yet.Also they don’t have the space to accommodate anyone and everyone. Do you go out with every Tinder match?? Be positive, but be sensible too. 

Homework for Sweety

For God’s sake, pick up a paper and scan through the "articles",or go through social media posts.Who are they writing about? And why? Is there space for you in the midst of all that glutter (oooh good word no? Glitter + clutter)

Use your brain. Nothing in life comes easy except for belly fat and social media outrage.Do the work!

Breathe. 1...2...3.

Your principles

Here’s where I dial down the cynicism.

The point of promotional activity is to get work. Brand building yes, and that brand building must lead to work/wealth/ money/ happiness. And yes, every little bit helps. 

Never be rigid about your principles. Sometimes you may just have to give in to the man. Sometimes It’s just an exercise in humility. If you manage one lousy pic of yourself in the background of Tusshar Kapoor or Kishore Biyani, it MAY be worth it.

Use it in your self promotion. But use it wisely! Which leads me to...

Your PR / Branding game

Hire a PR Manager? : Nah! But I’m no expert. I used to be a publicist with Warner Bros. India but that was in 2006. Research!Don’t hire random confident sounding people to handle your PR or get you work.Question them. Hey, ask them to respond to “Questions for Chomu”.Better still send him this post so I get a little publicity. Thanks.

Moving along.

Your showreel/press docket : I once saw a show reel of an actor which was largely a collection of blink and miss appearances made to look like he was doing epic work.I scoffed at it.

Several parents tell me their child did a film with “Bhai” or Amitabh Bachchan and then disappear into oblivion. I’ve met several actors who for months will go on about a Kajol film they are doing and it’s just two or three inconsequential scenes. I myself have “worked with” Abhishek Bachchan (Four Times!), Piggy Chops, Mahesh Babu Jr., Amir Khan, Sanjay Leela Bansali, Dippy, Anoushka Sharma etc. All I can say is that, Abhishek is a hilarious distracted brat and fun to be around with, while Dippy is an unreal angel, (Sighhhhh!),a picture of humility and someone I hope my (future) daughter will grow up to be like. (Links of some of this work at the end)

How do you leverage all of this WITHOUT fibbing? Without looking like you’re faking and trying too hard? #impressions . Start researching.

Breathe… 1-2-3.

Next step with Ronodeep 

Ask Ronodeeop for a day or two to get back or at least the same evening if he’s being a jerk about fake deadlines. (Or maybe he read this post and doesn't want to give you time to think.)

Use that time to weigh the pros and cons and make your decision. (And you will bloody well call him at the time you said you would.)

About the Ronodeeps of the world

Its not that bad. There aren't that many. The Ronodeep that you do meet is just doing his job to keep budgets under control. Ronodeep can’t and won’t consider the time and money you spent on your training.(Heck sometimes even schools don’t care about my ideals or how much I have put into my own training)

Ronodeep may have also read that sensitive Rumi poem you may have posted on FB, but just like a credit card salesman, or some journalists in the rush to meet deadlines... humanity, sensitivity or ethics gets tossed out. (I’m going to get hate for that so I’ll say this... we all get pushed by this world. No one’s that evil. It’s just the way it is... sometimes.) Whew! #notalljournalists #notallcreditcardsalesmen #outragedandoffended #notallroniodeeps

Conclusion - ish section

ANYTHING can happen. I’m not saying you shouldn't do work for free. What I am saying is,go into a situation knowing what you’re getting into,without stupid expectations and leave the rest upto God,your "chaak-ruhs",the universe or what have you. It’s your choice.Make the smart ones. Vote wisely and.. Ummm.. bah!

The little things may add up eventually.Maybe. 

I would say, the only real reason to doing that free gig would be, if you know for sure, if Ronodeep is going to abide by his promise of “aapko hi bulaayenge”.

And I have a few cynical thoughts about that fake promise, but that's for my next post. Click here for my next post!

**Update** This thought came from a young actor Advait Kottary (IG:Advaitkottary). Another reason for doing the free gig would be the chance to practise your craft. Makes sense and I completely missed this point. Ideally with practise you get experience, with experience you get wiser and more confident.


Ronodeep may be a jerk, and you may be feeling victimised by the capitalist exploitative blah blah... tough titties.You promise to be there,you will bloody well be there,eat that cheap food they ordered,stand in the sun and do your job like a professional.Once it’s done, pat yourself on the back and maybe vent on Facebook.

That's it. Oh last thing. No really, God promise.

There is no such thing as “No budgets”. Time and time again I’ve seen how money magically appears when needed.   

At least ask for a ridiculously nominal amount.Ronodeep will surely be able to arrange Rs 1000 plus travel and snack money! Ronodeep himself will claim a lot of expenses.Some of them probably fake.There are budgets, just not for you, because you’re not Ranbir Kapoor or Shaun Williams.

*Corded mic drop* (Sorry no budget for cordless mics sir!)

About the writer

What?! You don’t know who I am? I was in that ‘Men will be Men lift ad’ and...oh well.

I’m a drama teacher and acting coach with more than a few years of experience acting and teaching. I am contemplating corporate training too this year.

Some of the afore mentioned acting work : 

Thank you for reading. I hate writing and this was traumatic but I will try again soon if you liked this. Bless you!

Click here for my next post!

Rimi Chopra

Counselling psychologist, Music educator, Arts based therapy practitioner and singer

4 年

Loved reading it. Keep writing


