Work In Comfort!

In the 1996 movie “Jerry Maguire,” Jerry (Tom Cruise) comments that upon retiring his father reflected on a lifetime of work with the statement “I wish they’d given me a more comfortable chair.” That line stuck with me when I entered the business world because I could not shake the idea that this man (albeit a fiction character the audience never even meets) spent decades working at a job with a chair that was not quite comfortable enough.

With as much time as we spend working during our lives, it stands to reason that a person could at least warrant a few creature comforts: a decent chair, a stress ball, or I’ve been known to keep a toy or two on my desk for a brief distraction while working out a problem. While working within a windowless office one might adorn the walls with photos of children, grandchildren, or family vacations. In addition to family photos, I like to hang scenic pictures of mountain cabins or lighthouses from my favorite painter.

These items do not distract me from work. Instead, they are meant to offer increased sense of coziness, like using my favorite kind of pens that I purchase myself and bring into work. The comfort these personal alterations help me perform more effectively at my job. 

However, some of us do not have the opportunity to clock out and leave work until the following morning. Sometimes it follows us home like a stray puppy that won’t go away no matter how much you insist you are not going to let it in. Work might not be the issue. Some people, like me, take classes at night. Whether you attend at a local building or on-line from several states away, grown up students need a place to complete homework.

Until recently my evening studies confined me to the kitchen table, a little lap desk, but mostly I had to leave until late in the evening. However, upon arriving home yesterday, I was greeted by three youngsters who had been up to sneaky activities (the best kind of activities) and they could not wait to show me what they did.

With some help from my wife, my crew traveled to the local Wal-Mart where they purchased a “brand new desk” and set it up in my bedroom so I could always have a comfortable place to work from home. They bought me a desk lamp for when I needed to study at night but they wanted to fall asleep in my bed, and it was a lamp like the college kids use with a USB port for charging my phone and an outlet for powering my laptop. My 6-year-old son pointed out that Daddy likes writing by hand and picked me up a new pack of gel pens. Then I would need something to write on, wouldn’t I? My daughter bought me a Star Wars-themed composition book. Best of yet, they stole Mommy’s red stapler and it will not be moved from my new desk. (Milton would be proud!)

I do not own the grandest or most glorious of home offices, but the absolute support of my family goes a long way to provide me the comfort with which I need to work from home. Whether working from home to care for a sick child, writing a paper for school, or preparing a Bible study lesson, I will function happily knowing that my family has my back. And all the kids asked for in return was a little X-Box time with Daddy. (Why they wanted to be beaten so badly, I have no idea!)


