Work Can Be A Stressful Place
A new poll reported by NPR indicates too many of us don’t think we have a healthy environment at work.
“The poll also found that only about half of working adults have workplaces that offer wellness or health-improvement programs. About 1 in 4 rate their workplace as fair or poor in providing a healthy work environment, and more than 4 in 10 rate their workplace as fair or poor in providing opportunities for physical exercise or healthful food options at work.”
Given the public health challenges America faces regarding our largely sedentary modern lifestyle, this statistic should greatly concern business leaders who recognize the need for workplace wellness initiatives. Employees who don’t feel healthy or safe at work aren’t as productive as they could be.
“’The takeaway here is that job No. 1 for U.S. employers is to reduce stress in the workplace,’ said Robert J. Blendon, professor of health policy and political analysis at the Harvard Chan School, who directed the survey.”
Follow the link for more details.
How do you feel about your work environment? Could you use more physical activity during the day, or healthier snack options?