The work ahead to strengthen children's rights

The work ahead to strengthen children's rights

At the Eurochild Secretariat, we have taken the month of January to take stock of the work advancing children’s rights at the EU level, learn more about our members’ work across Europe and shape the work of the Secretariat for the months ahead.

In case you haven’t read it yet, you can download our latest report?(In)visible children?– Eurochild 2022 Report on children in need across Europe. Our members reflected on their national context and shared with us their experiences and feedback on what governments can do better to improve the lives of vulnerable children.

You can also read the positive response of the First Years First Priority campaign on?the Council Recommendation on Early Childhood Education and Care Barcelona Targets.

Continuing our series of one pagers, we released the?overview of Czechia’s Child Guarantee National Action Plan?and updated the list of our?Child Guarantee National Action Plan Overviews.?While most Member States have already published their plans, nine are still missing, which does not indicate a?strong commitment to delivering on the promises made under the Child Guarantee. Throughout 2023, we will continue to advocate for all National Action Plans to be published and implemented.

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