Work advice from Generation Z
It is possible that you are a bit surprised. Are Zs in the workplace yet? As one of them, I can testify: yes, we are and have been for a while. That is because the oldest Zs are now 26, have just finished college, maybe a master and are finding their place in the job market. But that does not mean we are just now having our first work experience.
I have worked since I was 18 so that counts around seven years. Internships, summer jobs, full-time jobs, trainee experiences… I’ve had it all, and I consider myself incredibly lucky for it. I have worked for small businesses, law firms, government institutions and even schools. I have dealt with so many different people of all ages, from all around the world. I have taught English to kids and helped seniors get their retirement through law services.
All this tour around my background is not to try to convince you I have enough experience to advise people. It’s just so you understand how I came to that tips. This article is an opportunity to share what I have learnt so far and show my workplace perspective, being from the Z Generation. So here are five tips to help you in the workplace:
1)?????Always be the nicest you can
Sometimes you can’t be the smartest, but you can always be the politest. You say good morning to the doorperson, your coworkers, your boss, and everyone you come across. The same goes for goodbyes. Bonus points for adding ‘have a nice day’. But that’s not all.
Whatever being polite means to you, you do that. Saying thanks, please, and sorry is especially valuable while working online because it demands clearer communication. While always trying your best to be polite is vital,?I also find it very important to keep it extremely professional.?
2)?????Stick to the rules
If you have ever worked at all, you know that there are two kinds of rules in the workplace: the ones that exist and everyone follows, and the ones that exist and are often ignored. My advice is to always stick to the rules. If they exist, there is a reason why.
Even if other people are not following them, you should, because 1- it’s the right thing to do, and 2- you can be held accountable for not sticking to the rules at any time, even if no one else is.
You don’t have to agree with the rules; I know there’s lots of nonsense going around. But simply not following them is not the way to change it. If you don’t agree with some command you receive, you follow them until you have the opportunity to discuss it because:
3)?????Communication is key
This may sound cliché, obvious even, but it’s very important to always keep that in mind. Am I communicating in the most efficient possible way? What can be done to optimise communication in the company I work? How do others communicate?
These questions have to be asked frequently, so we can periodically re-evaluate and find new ways to do better.
Communicating is not only about the usual work. It’s also important to communicate your needs, ideas and expectations, so everybody is on the same page and can come up with new ideas as a team.
4)?????Be the change you want
Besides doing your job, you want to figure out the best way to do it. How to do things faster, more efficiently and optimise results. No one knows your job better than you, so you are the only one who can improve the way your job is done. Once you realise what spots can be improved, it’s time to discuss how to implement them with your leaders and co-workers. Identifying what needs to change and discovering how to do it is a very important skill. There will always be something that can be improved, so stay sharp to spot it.
If you don’t like your work schedule, for example, come up with a new one and present it alongside your reasons to your team when the opportunity comes. If you don’t agree with how a project is being conducted, figure out what would you change and communicate it.?Of course, people will not always agree with you. But this is not about agreeing; it’s sharing.
5)?????Just do it. Go get it.
Proactiveness is my golden rule. Do more than what’s on your job description. Figure out a way to learn faster. Ask for feedback, and implement it. ?Always try harder and always find ways to improve. Don’t ever miss an opportunity to add value to your company and colleagues. Share your experiences and skills, and be open to learning from others as well. You have to keep going, you have to keep developing, and you have to encourage others to do the same.
These were the five tips I learned in my professional journey until now. Maybe in a year, I will have different experiences that will lead me to a different perspective. I’m looking forward to it. Until there, tell me, what tips would you give me?