The Words You Use Are Clues
Isabelle Zimmerman
Answer the Call. Connect To Your Guides. This Life Matters. - You Have A Greater Purpose - Ascension Teacher - Assisting Humanity in the Grand Awakening
Do you want to change your life for the better? Do you want to manifest your dreams? Wondering how you can transform your life? You are not alone. We all want to be happy, to feel freedom, to have a purpose. We all want to manifest our dreams and become a better version of ourselves. If you are feeling stuck, unhappy, unfulfilled, and wish to transform your life, a foundational way is to transform your vocabulary.
We use words every day without thought. We get used to our pattern of communication, our go to words, to convey our messages to each other. We even utter words under our breath to ourselves, or silently think them. At times in a flash, you are not even aware of what you just said . . . to yourself or to another. And yet these words have power. What do I mean by this?
The words you choose, your vocabulary are clues to your hidden beliefs. Meaning we all have beliefs. Our beliefs must be reflected back to us. “What you think about you bring about. Your whole life is a manifestation of the thoughts that go on in your head.” — Rhonda Byrne, The Secret The Law of Attraction states like attracts like.
Your thoughts, whether positive or negative, manifest in your reality. This is how the law of attraction works. The Universe is designed to reflect your beliefs. We create our reality through our vibration. We manifest people, places, and experiences through our energy from within. Your thoughts are packets of energy, feelings and beliefs.
We translate these feelings and beliefs into words. Without realizing it, you are defining yourself with vocabulary. Is your vocabulary limiting? Are your thoughts limiting? Your vocabulary are clues to your hidden beliefs in the subconscious mind. How often do we say I can’t afford it? It is hard. I just can’t. I need a job. You can’t trust people. I am so tired. That’s too much. I’m overwhelmed. If I don’t do it no one will. No worries, are you worried? No problem, is there a problem? These are subtle things we say in our day to day. Pay attention to what you text and what you say.
Slow down. Look and examine your words for clues. What were you told that you believed about yourself? What do I mean by this? My mother used to call me selfish as a child. I adopted the belief it was wrong to be selfish. I should think of others first before me. That I am not doing enough for others. The Universe must reflect this belief back.
And so . . .I received love when I served. I had a good job because I served solutions. Being selfless is a good thing. I became a great people pleaser and rescuer. I prided myself on noticing how you took your coffee, how many pillows you slept with. I listened intently for clues on how to solve problems. Putting out fires, that was me. I became very busy and somewhere in the mix, I lost sight of Isabelle. What Isabelle wanted. As long as others were happy then I was happy. Everyone else’s happiness was more important.
Being selfish is not wrong, and having self-love and self-care is important. Making myself a priority and taking care of myself is more balanced. I became stronger, no longer depleted and could flow more love. You see it feels counter intuitive putting yourself first, but when you practice self-love and self-care, your vibration rises. You are tuning into your own energy and going within. You become more grounded instead of reactionary. If you are a rescuer then you will always need victims, someone to rescue. Who does that empower?
Words are ideas expressed and I wish for you to be omnificent, unlimited in creative power!! To be prosperous, unlocking the greatest amount of potentiality within you. To unlock the greatest amount of love to be expressed.
The words you were told and the words you choose define you. You are expressing an idea of yourself. Choosing and transforming your vocabulary creates a different expression of you. Why limit your palette of colors to paint your reality? When you transform your vocabulary, you will transform your life.
How do you start? Download my free High Vibe Words 30 Day Challenge at and check out my Embracing Change course if you are ready to dive deeper into your own transformation.
Isabelle Zimmerman is an Ascension Teacher, Psychic and Channeler. Her teachings are designed to connect you to your innerbeing and to open your mind and heart so that you can live a more confident and joyful life. To see the magic and wonder of it all.
Answer the Call. Connect To Your Guides. This Life Matters. - You Have A Greater Purpose - Ascension Teacher - Assisting Humanity in the Grand Awakening
1 年Here is the link to the High Vibe Words 30 Day challenge.