Words for thought...
Rev. Daniel Bramlett
Minister at Total Spiritual Development Addiction Counselor
Man's greatest treasure isn't money or fame but wisdom and the confidence to believe in yourself and to encourage others to think and feel the same...Love is what we are born with.Fear is what we have learned The way it was meant to be lived happy...spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.Everyday is the start of something beautiful. Live your life the best,Today's world is full of people who missed their destiny because they were afraid to take a chance...We should not fear making mistakes...Everyone does...Instead we should fear not learning from them...because many people do not...I have often wondered if we will ever break free from the shadows that consume us, let go of the fears that haunt our dreams, find the inspiration to be a-new...There are two basic motivating forces: Fear and Love...When we fear..we pull back from life...When we love..we are open to life and live with passion and excitement...Please don't allow your fears to overshadow your happiness or your anxiety to limit your enjoyment of life ever. Always have the courage to live life to the fullest...fear ends where our faith begins...When you look back on your life, something so little could lead to great things. Its how God works you might not think it at the time but it's all in Gods plan. Sometimes you just need to step back and take a good look at what/who is dragging you down or lifting you up. You have to live with the path you choose to follow...If you want true peace,joy and love in your life? Put Jesus first, others second, and yourself last...Ask and it will be given to you, search and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. Mathew 7:7...Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. ~ Psalm 25:4...Daniel Thomas Bramlett