Words & Play: Freestyling without AI
ChatGPT – the debate is on and I’m happy to join it. :)
I only had the chance to briefly use it (thanks, colleague, for the discovery!), but it already shows strong capabilities (+ considerate/humane “tone of voice”, + humour). Let’s face it, we hear more “wooden language” in actual conversations with actual “players” (to keep it wooden), with much less sense of humour, too -?which in itself clearly indicates that “communication” (not as an object of study, as it has become, but as the simple fact of truly speaking to one another with the real intention of passing a message through efficiently and empathetically) needs some saving of its own. I challenge ChatGPT to make such long sentences (that still, hopefully, make some sense). ??
Do I feel threatened by ChatGPT? Not more than I’d have to be of an ambitious, resourceful and skilled (good-looking?) young graduate – and the first string of qualities reminds me I might have been seen as a potential threat, too, unintentionally, to some at one point in life – or some high-up person’s cousin (if you grow up in Romania, this belief just sticks with you). We are all dismissible, disposable, replaceable, and I believe it is a healthy thought to take to bed with you. In the same way in which one needs to accept that: society changes, things/people come and go and I’m not Master of the Universe (and to be clear, neither are you, reading me right now). ?? Besides, with ChatGPT some people might finally start writing emails of their own, and that can only be a good thing for everybody.?
If first impressions matter, ChatGPT put a smile on my face with the adaptable, creative, funny “wait until we give you access” messages. It touched a sweet spot. Artificially intelligent though it might be, the tool promises to be a fun and reliable go-to buddy. Provided users have a very well-defined purpose of what they might want to get out of it. And that, I can promise you, is not a given.
Surely it is a new challenge for the academic world (as if just being a teacher these days is not hard enough). But: One war at a time. There were others, there will be others. And while I appreciate witnessing innovations that revolutionize our everyday tasks in such ways, while we have a whole world falling apart in other domains, I am happy to stay in this awkward-became-normality limbo in which I inevitably use technology but will still stick to simple pleasures such as reading a hardcover/paperback book (and making my own, personalized review after reading it).
The bottom line is: Let’s evolve with our times while hanging on to authenticity, for as long as it may be around – for those who can still see it (past Insta reels telling us how to feel, why we feel, what to do, as if we have truly forgotten who we really are and how to use our brains). Let’s embrace opportunities with inquisitiveness (here’s one for a pronunciation app!) and use them wisely (with our natural, cultivated intelligence) while we stay grounded and get better at what we do every day.
If anything, ChatGPT reminded me how much fun creative writing is. And how important it is to keep both humour and creativity at work (if you’re a Communicator/Marketeer, at least).
As ChatGPT is rather social and “talkative”, it is already being interviewed by journalists with relevant questions as to their own future. If you want to continue the journey, click and read: ChatGPT: New AI chatbot has everyone talking to it - BBC News
That's one conversation to be continued, for sure.
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1 年This article feels like written by a human. Was it?