Words and phrases to toss with the confetti
Twenty twenty-four, I am so over you. I say this because I had at least six job interviews and yet, sit here, with zero jobs. That is not what I plan to say this time next year.
Because I was unemployed, I had a lot of time to be annoyed - annoyed by Americans' shrinking attention spans, annoyed by politicians telling me how well the economy was doing when I could not afford groceries, annoyed by other politicians telling me they didn't commit crimes, and annoyed by chirpy Tik Tokkers trending because their dog recognizes the word 'treat'.
So out with the old, in with the new, or at least out with the trite and in with original thought. Can we commit to that? No? I didn't think so. But let's try. Herewith my 10 least favorite words and phrases of 2024:
#10 - I'm here for it.
Ok, but I can see that. If you weren't here you would be somewhere else.
#9 - I like that for you!
We have already established that it is only you and I talking, Susie, so obviously it is you who likes that for me, unless a mystery man has joined us in which case, your clarification makes a smidge of sense.
#8 - unpack that
Whenever I hear a broadcast journalist say "there is a lot to unpack here" I am worried that they've just arrived from the opposite coast and haven't had time to sort their undies. Just say "There is a lot of information here" or "There is a lot to parse/explain/sort/delve into..." The list goes on.
#7 - my boo
Is it really too many letters/syllables/words to say "my boyfriend" or "my husband" or "my sweetheart?" Guess so. (I get it, I sound a little miffed because I don't have one, and maybe you are right.)
#6 - hundred percent!
You will be listening to an otherwise intelligent conversation when suddenly the listener keeps chiming in with, "hundred percent! hundred percent!" The first time I heard this saying used (as a replacement for 'absolutely'/'fully'/'I agree', etc. I figured someone was doing math in real time and I was impressed. Anyone who can stand and chomp on their sandwich while chatting up a friend and do math gets my vote. But alas, 'hundred percent' is another tired 2024 saying - toss it.
#5 - giving up punctuation to be cool
I love the social media sensation Teddy the golden retriever and sidekick-cum-foil Jonathan from "A Guy and a Golden," but do not like some of the language -- e.g. when Jonathan writes captions such as "I threw away one of my dogs toys." He knows he's on trend, but breaking the rules of punctuation. I love AGAAG so I don't mean to pick on him, but the trend should be proper grammar and punctuation! It is the least we can do for a generation who do not read books.
#4 - content
Remember when the word content meant material and was used sparingly? For example, one might have said, "I did not understand the content in her act" or "There was not a lot of important content in the rant, just profanity." However, with the dawn of the internet and nadir of the almighty Gen Z influencer, content is king/queen. I am constantly being asked if I am a "content writer" or why don't I pivot* from journalism ("a dying field!") to content writing?! Why why why!
#3 - *pivot
I know I have brought this up in years past, but it still annoys me - even as I've adopted it to, frankly, fit in. One used to only say "pivot" when they were moving a couch up a tight stairwell (hello, Ross!) or en pointe at the New York City Ballet. These days, one is always "pivoting" away from their career, their relationship, even their choice of overpriced beverages at Starbucks. Folks, it is fine to say "Change, redirect, recalculate, reconsider, etc."!
#2 - influencer
I understand what an 'influencer' is in modern parlance, but I beseech you, dear reader, can one take it back? Back to its pristine 2010 use, when an influencer was one who influenced, whether that was in the stationery business, on television, or with their divine philosophical renderings. These days, all one needs is a tight bum and rocking abs (she/he must be no more than 25) and they're 'influencing' all of the internet. I would like to see these kids influenced to read and actually think about the 'content' they are putting out.
#1 - journey
A year or two ago, a 'journey' was what we took when we loaded up the car with kids and snacks and headed to grandma's two states north or backpacked in Napal. These days, a 'journey' seems to be anything from our experience in psychotherapy to realizing we are last in line at the DMV ("my driver's license journey was long, Kim; there were like three people ahead of me!")
Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Happy Hanukkah and Kwanza! Joyeux No?l!