Words Words Words
Peter Bailey
Envisionary at Strategic Enablers | Doing good through doing good business.
"It has not been for nothing that the word has remained man's principal toy and tool: without the meanings and values it sustains, all man's other tools would be worthless."
—Lewis Mumford
I write for many reasons. Mainly from some compulsion to communicate something. There is something that I wish to draw attention to for any one or more of many reasons.
As I write, words are all I have to achieve this communication. I want to show respect for both you, the person who takes the time to read what I have written, and what I wish to communicate with you. And so this compels me to be conscious of the words I use and how well I use them to communicate with you.
I extend that respect to all my communication and wherever I use words I am conscious of the words I use and how I use them.
At the risk of appearing self-righteous I believe we should all show respect to each other and what we wish to communicate with each other. And so I recommend that we all be conscious of the words we use, what we want to communicate and how the words we use affect what we communicate.
The more importance we place on the thing that we desire to communicate, the more importance, I believe, we should place on the words we choose to use and how we use them.
I'm not advocating we all become painfully, precise and pedantic speakers or writers. Rather it is about showing the appropriate respect to each other and how we interact with each other.