No Words Necessary....
Chief Bob Vásquez
Wisdom Seeker, Igniter, Storyteller, Author, Speaker, Founder at PowerPact Leadership!
As leaders, we, sometimes, have to be strong for others when they lose a loved one. It’s never easy for us or them. Most often, words won’t help.
My baby brother, Rick, suffered from stomach and liver cancer for several years. I talked with him regularly but didn’t see him as often as I should have. I always expected him to recover.
I’d been back from visiting him, in Fort Worth Texas, three days, when I was in a character and leadership seminar for junior cadets at the Air Force Academy, where I taught.
About two hours into the seminar, I received a text from my sister stating, “Rick’s gone.” The date was 22 January 2009. His fiftieth birthday was December 29th, almost a month before.
I was devastated. I, again, expected Rick to recover. He was a tough guy, after all.
I was seated with a half dozen football players. The team’s linemen. Big bulky guys. Average height of six foot four. Average weight of two hundred fifty pounds. USAFA linemen are smaller than most college teams, but bulky in comparison to most cadets. One of the largest was Nick Charles. He played guard. He was sitting next to me.
Nick saw me look at my iPhone and read the message. As I looked up, teary-eyed, he looked at me and asked, “Are you okay, Chief?” “No, Nick,” I replied as I showed him my phone. “Come here, Chief,” he told me as he had me stand next to him.
And he hugged me.
No words.
Didn’t need any.
Wouldn’t have done any good. Wouldn’t have lightened my pain. He just hugged me. I can still feel the sense of being surrounded by his love and his protection.
Most often, when we experience a friend or colleague or follower having lost a loved one, we immediately search for the right words to say. Don’t! There are no words that will provide the comfort that a sincere hug will. Just hug….
Until next time, Be GREAT! You ARE!
bob vásquez!