Words for Me!
When I think of the many opportunities I had over the course of my life I am often reminded of the words of John Greenleaf Whitter…?“Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.”
Life is short and time waits for no one. Love and give love, laugh and give laughter, live and be vital for life is what you make it and no one can make your life count as you yourself can.
I write these words for myself to read and ponder as the clock ticks on towards it last tock.?
My spirit reminds me it is never too late to seize the positive that God presents to me in my thoughts!?
I cannot change the past for that is history and is finished. I can however affect the future by my reaction to others. Those I find disingenuous, gossipy, argumentative and negative I can avoid. All whom I meet and engage should be shown courtesy regardless. Separating the chaff from the wheat is a good thing which is not judging but clearing away the unnecessary for time better spent.?
Thank you Lord for this time to think! I am just one of your many children, a sinner, a repenter, an ignorant man who seeks your forgiveness and direction.
In God I Trust… Prayers are never wasted!