Words Matter
Have you observed how so many people these days spew out their thoughts and opinions seemingly without thinking about or considering the impact that their words will have?
My friend and colleague, Dr Shirley Garrett (www.SpeakLikeAPro.com), never fails to remind her communication coaching clients and the executives in her training classes that words do indeed matter. One’s choice of words, the tone in which they’re delivered, and the intention behind them carry more power than many people realize. We fail to?think?before letting the words rush out of our mouths.
I read something recently that’s attributed to Bernard Meltzer. (Who? I know. I never heard of him either.) A quick Google search revealed that Bernard Meltzer was the host of a long-running call-in radio show called, “What’s Your Problem?” (I find myself wanting to ask that question on a regular basis, don’t you?) Meltzer was known for his down-to-earth advice and practical wisdom. Surely, this is one of his best.
His topic of discussion was communication – the impact of words. What one should consider??before speaking. He advised us to T.H.I.N.K.
T?– Is it?True?
H?– Is it?Helpful?
I?– Is it?Inspiring?
N?– Is it?Necessary?
K?– Is it?Kind?
Meltzer followed his acronym by saying, “If the answer is NO, perhaps what you are about to say should be left unsaid.”
Powerful, isn’t it? Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve shared this in several management classes, and more than a few people decided on the spot to create a sign for their breakroom or office or conference room to remind them – and others – of Meltzer’s words.
Words matter. And if you T.H.I.N.K. before you speak, they can impact and matter in a more true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, and kind way.
?2021 Julie Alexander