Words & Kompa Beats—This Week’s Musings
It’s me again. I’m here to say that most people who complain about injustice only do so because they are the oppressed. The core of many people aren’t good and I commend leaders of organizations for having the ability to work with people. I am most grateful for the people who gave me a chance to start, and I extend that grace to others who work with me on some things. I have the patience needed to teach a child to learn phonetic sounds and follow instructions to the latter which is why sometimes I never understand why people rush things or rush for them when it isn’t an emergency. However that’s by the way, my topic today is that many workers or followers, if given the role of their bosses, they would be sourly worse.?
Being bossy is not the prerequisite for a good leader. Leadership styles differ, which is true, but first, a good leader is a good follower. The humility to bring yourself down to the ground to understand things in a reality different from yours and the audacity to take yourself high up there and command attention easily are qualities a leader needs to embody. The absence of one leads to either being a tough person to work with or someone whose presence never matters and can be walked over on.
People are difficult, and the core of most of them is very selfish. I am grateful too that I have worked with good people, my colleagues; Divine, Ann, Rachel, Peri Baby, FO, Levi, Chidee, Lily, and numerous others whose names I can’t think of now from the top of my head—they make the remote work life vaster than even what the physical experience can give you. When my colleague Divin reached out to me, I kept laughing because my boss often said, “Divine is good people,” yes he is. Good followers make great leaders tomorrow, and it shows from now on. How we approach things and handle the people placed under us. Do we extend the same grace given to us as we start out? Or become dragons from the HOD series (House of Dragons) spewing fire everywhere without cause or reason just because you are on some power trip that you can pay someone. Please down to Earth president general among the nations. Lol.
This week
One thing my break has helped me do is to see the words (aka–labels) that have defined the core of who I am. Who I am is another business entirely because it is a journey that isn’t set. However, these words have remained a constant and now amplify themselves as I touch the silver jubilee this year.?
Enough of words; this is my first workshop, and I am excited for it. I can’t wait to share my ideas on gender justice through multimedia tomorrow. I seek to be nothing but my authentic self, unashamed to take space, bounce out negative thought patterns, and fall in love with the rest of this year, as I expect great things to happen for me and the people I work for and with.
I forgot the purpose of this newsletter but I hope somewhere in the long gist, you pick one or two and carry on with the rest of your day! I’m honored that you are in my corner and you read me. Thank you so much! Have a great day!