
Words are critical, the entire Creation operates through words

Most people are sloppy with words and thereby bring about unintended consequences in their lives and sin

It is written that we will be judged by our words

Each one of us is accompanied by a guardian messenger {angel} who records EVERYTHING that we do and say in a book based on which we will be judged on our judgment day

Destructive words can cause harm to others and to ourselves and open us up to additional ancestor spirits {demons} being assigned to us

Idle words do nothing and are regarded as sin

Jokes are mostly lies in some shape or form

Words such as "luck" invoke demons

It is wise to be sober in our choice of words


NEXT SECTION: The Bible >>>

NEXT SUB-SECTION: The Importance of Words >>>

 Related pages:

The Importance of Words

Words that Kill

Words that Bring Life

Right Confession

Words with Pagan / Satanic Impact

Words are Spiritual


Take Care is a Curse





2013.03.09 - Jokes

Some time ago I was asked to advise on the acceptability of jokes

The short answer is Proverbs 26:18 and 19 "Like a madman who throws sparks, arrows, and death, So is a man who deceived his neighbour, And says, “I was only joking!” 

The problem is that much of the time jokes are lies and it is written in Revelation 21:8 that ALL liars shall have a part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone which is the second death

So, broadly, I recommend that one avoids jokes -- this is distinct from real incidents which are humorous or entertaining but even here one needs to be cautious because frequently such humour is at the expense of someone else

May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you. 

2012.11.21 - Words drive the physical realm

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Over the years I have repeatedly written about the importance of words, in this article I discuss the implications of words in the context of a song allegedly sung by the President of South Africa allegedly at the Centenary Celebration of the African National Congress on 8 January 2012.

1. Zuma’s song and my reaction

Last Monday I unexpectedly came across a site on YouTube with the heading: “Jacob Zuma sings "Kill the Boer" at ANC Centenery Celebrations in Bloemfontein, South Africa


The singer is clearly Jacob Zuma the President of South Africa and also the President of the African National Congress, the ruling Party in South Africa. The stadium setting quite reasonably looks like it could indeed be the ANC Centenary Celebrations early this year.

According to the sub-titles the song goes as follows:


for us

come together all the winners

we going to shoot them with the machine gun they are going to run

we going to shoot them with the machine gun they are going to run

you are a boer (white man)

we going to hit them

and you are going to run

shoot the boer

they are going to run

shoot the boer

we going to hit them

they are going to run

we are going to shoot them with the machine gun

they are going to run

they are going to run

we going to shoot them

they are going to run

shoot the boer

we are going to hit them

they are going to run

shoot the boer

we are going to hit them

the cabinet will shoot them with the machine gun

the cabinet will shoot them with the machine gun

shoot the boer

we are going to hit them

they are going to run”


Given that the Afrikaner (Boer) people are inextricably interbred with the other people of European descent in South Africa (my covenant woman, soon to be legal wife, is an Afrikaner of many generations) and since virtually all businesses today employ a significant proportion of Afrikaner men and women intermingled with other Europeans and since Afrikaner families live intermingled with families of other European origins any attack on Afrikaners is, in effect, an attack on ALL people of European descent.

The essence of this song is that the Cabinet – the highest organ of Government -- will kill people of European descent with machine guns.

This song, or a derivative was declared “hate speech” by the South African High Court last year and its singing was banned.

What makes this song even more significant is that it was allegedly sung on Sunday 8 January 2012, the day after I published the message “Yah speaks on South Africa” in which Yah declared that there would be massive revolution in South Africa leading to the murder of 75% of those of European descent – in the visions that led up to this message from Yah I saw a popular uprising, it was beyond my ability to comprehend that the President of the Nation would lead the slaughter that I saw in the visions.

After I watched this clip on YouTube I was stunned, numb, I struggled to compute what I had seen. I kept quiet about it most of the week. I lay awake at night mulling over it, trying to comprehend its significance, unable to hear Yah clearly regarding it because of the emotional turmoil going on inside me.


 2. An African friend’s comments

Finally, on Friday, I forwarded the link and the words of the song to a few people close to me and asked for comment.

An old friend, of African descent, responded that I should NOT be concerned, that I should not give credibility to the singer of the song and that things would soon change.

The problem for me around that response was that Yah has taught me repeatedly over the years with regard to the importance of words – see previous articles with regard to words published on this list over many years.

Last night I shared this with my woman {wife} and we discussed it.

Finally I was able to reach some level of calmness about it and to start to discuss it with Yah.

What follows is based on the more rational and calm position that I have reached on the topic.

Yah willing, I will follow this with another article which reports Yah’s specific words on the above song and its singing by the President of South Africa and the impact it has on the future of this nation.


 3. Words were responsible for creation

In considering “pay no attention” in the context of the above song, regrettably that is NOT possible for me.

Words are the most powerful device available to men, words are used constantly in every area of life, Yah used words to speak Creation into existence.

4. Curses are words – that song is a curse

Curses are words that carry destructive significance.

The Indigenous African People, as they are referred to in at least one piece of recent legislation, suffer under the curse that Noah pronounced on his grandson Canaan – all Noah said was “Cursed be Canaan” (Genesis 9:25) and yet those words have reverberated over 4,500 years condemning the children of Canaan to poverty and serfdom and a life of extreme paganism – those few words gave Satan a blanket right to operate on the descendants of Canaan in perpetuity.

The song reported above is a curse.

5. We will be judged for our words

Consider Matthew 12:36-37, Yahooshua speaking “36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. 37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” KJV

We will be judged for our words – that is how important our words are.

Our Guardian Messengers {Angels} follow us everywhere and record EVERY word we speak and the books of record are retained for our judgment.

It is extremely unwise to suggest that the words of the President of a nation are NOT to be taken seriously – whether he means them seriously or NOT is NOT the point, he has spoken those words and those words carry the FULL authority of his office as President.

If he was NOT serious then he needs to repent publicly and cancel those words, failing his sincere repentance those words will resonate in the Spirit realm until they are given life.

Words like these gave life to World War II, the German Nazi Party and the Holocaust.


6. Words resonate until they generate action

Most people think that words just disappear after they have been spoken, this is NOT so.

Words are powerful agents for action in the Spirit realm.

Both the messengers {angels} of Yah and the messengers and demons of Satan listen attentively for words that give them instruction to act.

When someone speaks out death, as in this case, the demons and fallen messengers of Satan whose task it is to bring about war, revolution and murder immediately begin to consult with regard to how they will give effect to these words.

The words will resonate in the spirit realm until they are cancelled by the person who spoke them or by someone else who has the authority to cancel them – such as the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the African National Congress (ANC) coupled to disciplinary action against the singer or until they bring about action, in this case the murder of whites including murder using machine guns.

These are the ONLY two possible outcomes from that song – it may take some years for the Satanic forces to bring about all that is necessary to bring about the full blown racial genocide that is inherent in the song but in the meantime the high murder rates and atrocities against whites will continue.

On a first-hand knowledge basis a close family friend of my woman {wife}, a man in his fifties, was accosted by a gang at his son’s 21st birthday party, the people at the party were forced to lie on the ground and this man, who had handed over his valuables and was lying defenceless on the ground was shot at point blank range as an act of wanton and cold blooded murder.

Such acts are a DIRECT MANIFESTATION of the words of this song which is allegedly frequently sung by members of the ANC.

7. The constitution is comprised of words

In further considering this situation it is important to recognize that the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, hailed by many as the most just Constitution developed anywhere is ALSO comprised of words – the words of this song, sung by the President and NOT cancelled, nullify and over-ride the words of the Constitution.

 8. The judgment by the High Court is also comprised of words

The words of the High Court judgment declaring songs like this to be “hate speech” are ALSO annulled by the President proclaiming this song in direct violation of the Rule of Law and the legal authority of the High Court.


The singing of this song about killing of white people with machine guns by the President of the Country has massive spiritual import and authority.

To declare that these words can be ignored is to fail to comprehend the significance of words in the spirit realm – these words constitute a declaration of war by the ANC on the white people of South Africa.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace. I ask that Yah will judge me severely and correct me harshly, show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it and lead me into ALL truth with regard to this teaching and EVERY teaching that I offer, I ask this in the name of Yahooshua.


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2012.11.17 - Do NOT speak of evil

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Several people on the list regularly send me information about evil in the world or suspected evil.

There are articles about conspiracies, secret societies, etc.

Some of these I have been shown personally ARE valid, such as the collapse of the World Trade Center on 911 WAS a controlled demolition and NOT caused by the aircraft that crashed into them, others I have no way of validating and I am certain the people who forward them to me ALSO have no way of validating them – this includes reports of Concentration camps with Guillotines in the USA and other even more horrifying and shocking reports.

Consistently Yah tells me that UNLESS He shows me personally such that I can write about such things from first-hand experience I should NOT engage with them, pay any attention to them or even read about them.

He constantly reminds me that it is SIN to even talk about what the evil do in secret and that unless He personally instructs a prophet to speak such information it is of NO CONCERN.

If He DOES speak through a prophet there will always be a way out for the elect, those who truly believe, and a call to repentance to those who are sinning or planning to sin.

Continuous focus on the things of the forces of darkness and evil on the earth focuses us in the wrong direction, on Satan and the things of Satan, gives esteem to Satan and leads us towards the wrong things. We magnify Satan and his power while diminishing our focus on the power of Yah.

Many have fallen away from Yah through offense with evil and through trumpeting and magnifying evil in what they write and say.

It behoves us ALL, myself included, to be very cautious about how we respond to the evil in the earth – Satan is the ruler of this world and the world is full of evil – we need to concentrate on seeking Yah and drawing closer to Him.



Focus on evil, particularly when we rely on third party reports must be avoided at all costs and we should focus on the things of Yah.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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2012.11.14 - Detest versus Choice

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In a recent email someone wrote to me “I have really come to detest television

On the face of this one might conclude that this is a righteous stance.

However, Yah says it is NOT valid.

We should make choices out of a clear space, NOT out of offense.

It is so that most of what is on TV is NOT acceptable in the sight of Yah and involves watching sin, whether that be lying, fornication or whatever and it is not spiritually healthy for us to watch such material.

Error and sin are, in their own way upsetting and offensive to people who are trying to live a set-apart life BUT Yah says that is NOT the basis on which one should choose NOT to watch such material.

What is called for is “clear choice” – “I know that what is portrayed here is NOT acceptable in the sight of Yah and therefore I CHOOSE NOT to watch it”.

The problem with “detest Television” which is the same problem with diverse similar “offense based” responses that believers use to try and discourage others from doing things that are wrong in the sight of Yah is that it is based on judgment and offense NOT clear choice with regard to right and wrong.

Yah says that such language is “seductive” and from Satan because it removes the choice element and is not understood by others who do not have the revelation that this person has or claims to have.

Equally there ARE programs that are largely or strictly technical and information delivery based which ARE informative and which are even worth watching from time to time. There have been times when Yah has expressly led me to watch particular TV programs, news broadcasts and the like in order to teach me something or show me about something that is going on in the world – if I am in a space called “detest television” I will find it very hard to believe that Yah is leading me to do this.

Accordingly, I encourage all who read this to avoid offense based language and concentrate on making clear choices.

“Detest television” will not help a person who watches TV and sees nothing wrong with it to see a need for change, they will simply think that the person who makes this statement is weird or apply other negative judgmental language to them. Contrast this with “I choose NOT to watch TV programs that depict lying, fornication and other behaviour or language that is unacceptable in the sight of Yah and limit my exposure to TV to programs that I believe are uplifting and contain information of value to me”.


Offense based language can result in inappropriate choices and is meaningless and off-putting to others. Be crisp and clear about your value choices and limits.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.


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2012.11.05 - Other words Mercy, Grace, Favour, Worship, Pray, Amen, Blasphemy

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Following the preceding mails on incorrect words Father instructed me to research “Mercy” and “Grace”, I subsequently noted further words to research.


On researching “mercy” I was unable to locate any evidence of undesirable origin.


The same applies to “grace” which correlates with “loving kindness” or “chesed” in the Hebrew which is “covenant love” and which embraces “mercy” as well – accordingly, while I find no basis to recommend against the use of the word “grace” it might be appropriate to use “chesed” where possible.


As with mercy and grace I was unable to locate any negative articles, “favour” is, in a sense, also embraced by “chesed”.


No negative indications were found, the Hebrew word translated “worship” is “avodah”.


No negative indications were found – the Hebrew word is “tefilah”.


The same website cited previously indicates that “Amen” is the name of an Egyptian Satanic deity whereas the Hebrew word translated “Amen” is in fact “amein” – this is subtle but worth noting.


Again no negative connotation was found although it is used generically for words against any deity NOT just Yah.


The words listed in this article, Mercy, Grace, Favour, Worship, Pray, and Blasphemy I did NOT find any information that argues against these words.

There appears to be a basis to use “Amein” in place of “Amen”.

It does appear that the Hebrew word “chesed” embraces mercy, grace and favour in addition to loving kindness and many other attributes of Yah and that, accordingly, the use of “chesed” in place of these words has merit.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.


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2012.11.03 - Further information on incorrect words

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Following on the two articles on holy and glory being blasphemous names the same website has information regarding other words that I have known for a long time are incorrect

While I have NOT read the entire site it seems that the material is fairly reliable so, if you are NOT aware of why I avoid other words and names you might want to visit the site in more detail.

Following is a table of links that might be worth exploring from:


























To access a link, highlight the word or phrase in the table that interests you and right click on it – for those of you who are Afrikaans notice in particular item 14 which relates to “Here” the Afrikaans word for “Lord” which is also a blasphemous name.


If you are not familiar with why you should avoid the above names I suggest you visit this site.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.


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2012.11.02 - Glory is another blasphemous word and other words. Use kabad (Hebrew), esteem, high esteem or repute

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Following on the article on holy the same website has a page on glory and evidences that this word also is blasphemous and that the words “esteem”, “high esteem” or “repute” should be used or the Hebrew “kabad” as the word most frequently translated “glory”.

>>> The article follows <<<


From https://iahushua.com/ST-RP/glory.htm

    No fewer than 25 Hebrew words are rendered by doxa in the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament. Of these 25 words, 7 are more common, the most important being kabad. This Greek word doxa of the Greek translation of the Old Testament, and the doxa of the New Testament, are usually rendered "glory" in the English versions, a translation of the Latin gloria. If we first look at the Hebrew Old Testament, we find that kabad has usually been rendered "honour" when applied to man, but rendered "glory" when applied to our Heavenly Father. Why were they so keen to apply the word "glory" to our Mighty One? What is the meaning of the word "glory"? Funk & Wagnalls, New Standard Dictionary of the English Language, under "glory", gives the religious symbolic meaning, "In religious symbolism, the complete representation of an emanation of light from the person of a sanctified being consisting of the aureole and the nimbus;" and further on, "The quality of being radiant or shining; brilliancy brightness; luster; as the glory of the sun;" and further on, "A sunburst; any ring of light; a halo." John Ogilvie The Comprehensive English Dictionary, under "glory", explains it as, "splendour, as of the sun." Similar statements are made by The Oxford English Dictionary and Webster's New International Dictionary. The latter states, "glory is the general term for the aureola and the nimbus"—aureola being the halo or ring round the sun, and nimbus being the sun-disc.

    This meaning, as well as the word itself, would be acceptable if the commonly used Hebrew words of the Old Testament, and the Greek word doxa, have had the same meaning of sun-radiance or circles of light. However, we do not find any trace of sun-radiance or emanation of light in any of these Hebrew words, nor in the Greek doxa. Once more we are rudely awakened to the fact of the adoption of Sun-worship into the Church, the fusion of Sun-worship and the Messianic Faith. In the dictionaries, encyclopaedias and ecclesiastical books, we find many illustrations of our Saviour, the Virgin, and the saints, encircled with radiant circles or emanations of light around them.

    What are the meanings then of the Scriptural Hebrew words? Kabad means honour, dignity or esteem in its figurative sense, as well as weight, in its literal sense. Pa'ar means repute. Halal means praiseworthiness or praise. Adar and hadar means to make great. Tipharah means repute. Shavak means to esteem. The Greek word doxa simply means opinion, estimation, esteem, repute or dignity, coming from the verb dokeo, which means "to seem".

    Thus, the ecclesiastical symbolic meaning of the word "glory", being that of radiance or emanation of light as from the sun, is totally un-Scriptural. It is strong evidence of the Church's solarisation of our Messiah and of His Father. The Church identified Elohim with the Sun deity, which was the prevailing deity of the Roman emperors, the Roman capital and its empire. However, not only does the concept of "glory" stem from Sun-worship, but we also find proof of "glory" (gloria) as having been a Roman goddess, discovered in the form of an icon personified by a woman, the upper part of her body almost naked, holding a circle on which are the zodiac signs. Pauly-Wissowa also defines Gloria as a personification of fame, the word being found very frequently on the coins of Constantine and his successors. Besides the frequent occurrence of the word Gloria on the coins, the image of this goddess is found on two coins, one of Constantius II and one of Constantine II.

    We should therefore eliminate the word "glory" from our religious vocabulary for three reasons:

    1) We have been commanded in Exod. 23:13 to "make no mention of the names of other mighty ones, nor let it be heard from your mouth"—especially in our worship, applying these names to the One we love, and His Son.

    2) The concept of the word "glory" in religious symbolism, as we read in Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary, is that of the emanation or radiance of light, as of the sun. This is proof of the solarisation of our beloved Saviour, identifying Him, as well as His Father, with the Sun-deity.

    3) The Hebrew words, as well as Greek word doxa, do not carry the meaning of sun-radiance or sunlight at all. Therefore the word "glory" is an incorrect rendering of those words.

    What then should we use instead of the word "glory"? Simply what the Hebrew words and the Greek word mean: "esteem", or "high esteem" or "repute". These words carry the meaning of the Scriptural words and do not stem from the names of deities as far as we know, and should be used wherever our versions have "glory".


We should immediately cease using the word glory and use the words “esteem”, “high esteem” or “repute” or the Hebrew “kabad” as the word most frequently translated “glory” instead.

It is vital that we are precise in our language as we will be judged for EVERY WORD that we utter.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.


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2012.11.01 - Holy is a blasphemous word and other words. Use qodesh, set-apart, separate, separated

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For many years I have been aware that many of the commonly used words in our religious practice are blasphemous and wrong, this awareness started with the true names of Yah and Yahooshua about twelve years ago and has progressed to other words.

For some time I have resisted the idea that “holy” might be one of these words – the word is so ingrained in my thinking and vocabulary and my worship that I have NOT wanted to consider the possibility that this word is also false.

In compiling the articles on Worship (2012.10.4 and 2012.11.02) I felt increasingly impressed to research this, I searched for “holy original meaning” and went immediately to an article at https://iahushua.com/ST-RP/holy.htm on Holy.

This makes it clear that holy, hallowed, sacred and sanctified are ALL blasphemous names!

I was stunned.

Father has confirmed that holy is indeed a blasphemous word and that I should immediately cease using it and rather use “qodesh” (the Hebrew), “set-apart” or “separate” or “separated” instead of the above words.

I urge you all to do the same.

>>> The article follows <<<


From https://iahushua.com/ST-RP/holy.htm

   The Hebrew word qodesh and the equivalent Greek word hagios, together with their derivatives, have been translated with one of three words, or derivatives, in our older English versions, namely: holy, hallowed, or sanctified. Another word is also used in modern versions, and generally in ecclesiastical literature, namely: sacred. Most of us have the idea that this word has the meaning of piety, or being pious, or to be devout. However, this conception is refuted when we read in Isa. 66:17 of the idolatrous people "who sanctify (qadash) themselves and purify themselves, to go to the gardens after an idol in the midst, eating swine's flesh and the abomination and the mouse ...." This refutation of the incorrect idea that "holy" means "to be pious", is further confirmed by the shocking discovery that one of the Hebrew words for a harlot (whore) is qedeshah, a derivative of qadash! Likewise, a male prostitute (or sodomite) is called a qadesh in Hebrew. This then causes us to seek for the real meaning of the word qodesh (its verb being qadash) and its Greek equivalent hagios. The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. 2, p. 817, summarises what most authorities say about qodesh and hagios, ". . . the meaning of 'separation' is paramount ... the more elemental meaning seems to lie with 'separation'." The same dictionary, in vol. 4, p.210, says, "The basic sense of the Hebrew root qadash, as of its Greek equivalent in the Bible—hagios, seems to be 'separateness'." Likewise, Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words repeatedly emphasises the fact of the fundamental meaning of the word to be: "separation" (see under "holiness" and "sanctification"). With the discovery of the true meaning of this word, namely, separate and separation, we can now understand why qodesh is used in a positive sense, a good sense, and that it can equally be used in a negative and evil sense. Someone is, or something is separated unto Yahuweh, or he/it is separated unto evil. Thus, the word qodesh applies to both.

   Why then, if the Hebrew word qodesh as well as the Greek hagios both mean "separation", why has the word "holy" been used instead? Is it possible that the father of all lies, the Great Deceiver, had cunningly proceeded with his master plan of bringing idolatrous worship into True Worship? Has the "Mystery Man" behind "Mystery of Lawlessness" and "Mystery Babylon" been active again? (see Jer. 16:19-21, Isa. 25:7, Isa. 30:28, Rev. 17:2,4,5, as well as 2 Thess. 2:7). Indeed, we do find evidence of his veiled, his hidden, his mysterious work. In The Oxford English Dictionary, vol. 5, p. 345, under "Holy", we read, ". . . the primitive pre-Christian meaning is uncertain . . . Its earlier application to heathen deities is found in ON [Old Norse]." Likewise, we read in the big Netherland's Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal, vol. 6, p. 455 (I translate), "An explanation of the original meaning, that makes it clear as to how this adjective has obtained the meaning of the Latin sanctus, has not yet been given — For speculations, see e.g. KLUGE, FRANCK AND MURRAY." But we did discover the origin of the word "holy". In G. Jobes, Dictionary of Mythology Folklore and Symbols, p. 781, we read, "HOLY: In practically all languages, the word for holy has been derived from the divinely honored sun." We found confirmation in Forlong's Encyclopedia of Religions, as follows, "HOLI: The Great Hindu spring festival .. . held in honour of Krishna, as the spring sun-god . . . a personified woman called Holi . . . Holi had tried to poison the babe Krishna ...." Further revealing evidence was yet to come. In Strong's Concordance, in the Greek Lexicon No. 1506, we found the following: "heile (the sun's ray)"—this is pronounced: heilei. This form is almost identical to the German and Dutch equivalent of the English "holy". The meaning of "halo", the ring on top of a saint's head, now became clear to us. And this was confirmed in J.C. Cooper, An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols, p. 112, "NIMBUS, HALO, or AUREOLE: Originally indicative of solar power and the sun's disk, hence an attribute of sun-gods."

   The truth of this most disturbing find stunned us. We simply could not handle it. Gradually we came to understand. The Great Deceiver will not make the mistake of diverting the worship towards himself. By just diverting it to the innocent sun, Satan would succeed in his master plan by firstly veiling, and then bringing into the Temple the "wicked abomination", as Elohim had called this Sun-mixed worship (Eze. 8:9-16). It is well known how pictures of our Messiah, of Mary, and of a great number of saints were adorned with a sun-disc (nimbus), or halo, or sun-rays, thereby identifying him/her with the Sun-deity, or even only being taken as blessed by the Sun-deity. With the word "holy" being applied to the Spirit of Yahuweh, called in Hebrew Ruach ha Qodesh the enormous challenge was put to us: Can we continue to use the word "Holy Spirit"? Ruach ha Qodesh simply means: "The Spirit of Separation". Can we continue bringing homage to the Sun, once the truth has been revealed to us, and be found guilty of participating in the "wicked abominations" of Eze. 8:9-16?

   In the Scriptures we are warned of Job's similar predicament in Job 31 :26-28, in which Job warns us of this "an iniquity worthy of judgment, for I would have denied Elohim who is above." Have we not been warned in Jer. 10:2, "Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; do not be dismayed (awed) at the signs of heaven for the Gentiles are dismayed (awed) at them."? Can we ignore the disastrous result of Israel's disobedience to the Law which caused Elohim to have "turned and gave them up to worship the host of heaven," Acts 7:42? We who have entered into the New Covenant, having the Law of Yahuweh written into our hearts (Heb. 8:10 and 10:16), can we delight in His Law, His Words? Do we accept His warning which comes to us in Deut.4:19, "And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven and when you see the sun, the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, you fee driven to worship them and serve them, which Yahuweh your Elohim has given to all the peoples under the whole heaven as a heritage"? If it has been revealed to US having been led by the Spirit of Truth, that the word "holy" has been derived from the divinely honoured sun can we ignore it? In direct contrast to this "sun-origin" of the word "holy", the Hebrew qodesh and the Greek hagios have nothing to do with the sun or sun-rays at all The Spirit of Truth put the challenge before us: If we love Him Who first loved us, we will worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. If we love the Spirit of Yahuweh, we will call Him: The Spirit of Separation, and not "the spirit of the sun". The former is the truth, the latter is a lie if it is meant to be a translation of Ruach ha Qodesh. If the term "spirit of the sun" is devoid of all Scriptural truth how much more is the term "spirit of the divinely honoured sun"?—or "the spirit that solarises", or "the solarised spirit"?


   Identical to the above is another derivative of this word originating from the "divinely honoured sun." In our versions the word "hallowed" is also a translation of qodesh or qadash, and hagiazo. The word is also found in "halloween" or "Hallow-even", an old pagan British festival which was adopted by the church. The great Sun-image of the Krom-druach was specially worshipped at this season.119 Here again, this word "hallowed" in our versions should be "koshered" to read: "separated".

   9. SACRED

   Although this word is not found in the King James Version, it has been used in some instances in the more recent English versions (e.g. Moffatt's Translation, NIV, GNB, NASB) to translate the Hebrew qodesh and the Greek hagios. In the literature and preaching of the churches, however, it is frequently used, as well as in the word "sacrament". Much of the English language, which is one of the Indo-European languages, viz. Sanskrit. Similarly, the English word "sacred" can be traced back to the Sanskrit "Sakra". What or who was "Sakra"? Larousse, World Mythology, pp. 229, 233, reveals to us that Indra was one of the 12 forms of the Sun-deity, and that he was also known as: "Sakra". This startling information is found in other sources too.120 In this deity, and in the twelfth form, he is called: Mitra, the origin of the later Persian and Roman Mithra or Mithras, who at first was only associated with the Sun-deity, but later on became the Sun-deity himself as Sol Invictus, the unconquered Sun-deity.


   Another word that translates the Hebrew qodesh and the Greek hagios, is the word "sanctified", which, according to the dictionaries, originates from the Latin sanctus. According to Pauly-Wissowa, Realencyclopaedie, under "Sanctus", the primary meaning and origin is not certain. However, this article quotes a source mentioning Santus as a deity, named deus sanctus, and also states that Sanctus was often used as an epithet or surname of deities (See also this same book's entry: "Sancus"). Augustine in his City of God,121 reveals to us that the Sabine chief deity, Sancus, was called by some: Sanctus. In the Realencyclopaedie, under "Sancus", we read of a statue of Sancus, representing an archaic type of Apollo, the great Sun-deity of the Greeks. At the end of the article it states that, originally, Semo Sancus was Jupiter itself. Another cognate form Sancius was also identified as Jupiter.

   Although we have fewer witnesses here than in the case against the words "holy", "sacred" and "hallow", we still have enough evidence that "Sancuts was the name of a pagan deity, even identified with Jupiter and Apollo. Another "wicked abomination", in the form of the words "sanctified" and "sanctuary", had been fused with the pure Messianic Faith, and we must eliminate them.


   There was an upheaval against iconalotry (image worship) in the 8th - 9th centuries, and again by the Puritans in the 16th - 17th centuries. This sin has crept in again and those who love Yahushúa and His Father are again crying out against this sin, which has become less obvious due to the explanations offered in an attempt to justify this practice. Let us investigate the symbol of the fish so commonly displayed on the back of cars.

   This symbol is used because Christians are told that it is because we are called to be "fishers of men". However, another popular explanation is offered: It represents our Messiah, because of Augustine's attempt to justify the adoption of another element of pagan worship the Church's syncretism, "Christianising" pagan practices, emblems and even pagan deities. Paganism was mixed with the Messianic Faith. Rev. Hislop states that our Messiah "began to be popularly called ICHTHYS for ICHTHUSI, that is 'the Fish', manifestly to identify Him with Dagon."122 Dagon was the Fish-deity. Augustine, the celebrated church Father, rather childishly, gave his reason for doing this, "If you combine the initial letters of the five Greek words, which are Iesous Chreistos Theou Uios Soter, Jesus Christ the Son of god the Saviour, they make the word ichthus, meaning fish, and the mystic meaning of this noun is Christ, because he had power to exist alive, that is, without sin, in the bottomless pit of our mortal life, as in the depths of the sea."123 But Tertullian was even more frank in his blasphemous identification of our Messiah with a fish, by calling Him, "our Fish" . Tertullian wrote, "But we, little fishes, are born in water according to our Fish (Ichthus), Jesus Christ."124 Why were these Church Fathers so keen to identify Yahushúa with a fish? In The Two Babylons, pp. 252 and 270, we read, "that Ichthus, or the Fish, was one of the names of Bacchus." Bacchus was just on the name for Tammuz,125 the Sun-deity. the adoration or veneration of the fish emblem is clearly and emphatically forbidden in Deut. 4:15-19; and even more so once the hidden truth of the 3rd and 4th century' idolatrous syncretism with the Fish-deity (identifying our Messiah with the Fish-deity), has been revealed to us. Yahúweh will not accept any attempts to justify this, in spite of explanations (totally contrary to Scripture) of how the pagan deities were "Christianised".

   Furthermore, the fish, as a pair of fishes, is part of the Chaldean (Babylonian) zodiac, as one of the signs of astral worship with the Sun at the centre of the zodiac. It therefore formed part of, and was a sign of, Sun-worship.126 Also, Hippolyt of Rome tells us that the Brahmans (sect of Indians, from whom some pagan idolatrous worship originated) regarded the sun to be as a fish.127 Further, the son o the Syrian goddess Atargatis was known as Ichthus too.128 Another Fish-deity was the Babylonian Ea, who became known amongst the Greeks as Oannes, similar to the Fish-deity of the Philistines, Dagon, half man and half fish.129 We also read the following findings of scholars, "The Fish is also associated with the sun ... the god of the sun ... as a fish", 130 also being an Egyptian phallic emblem,131 as well as a sign of fecundity, or the female generative organ, or of female goddesses.131

   The Harlot Woman, Mystery Babylon of Rev. 17, has made the inhabitants of the earth drunk with the wine of her fornication, Rev 17:2, giving the inhabitants of the earth to drink out of the golden cup in her hand "full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication." Rev. 17:4. (In verse 5 we read that she is the Mother of Harlots.) This means spiritual fornication with idolatrous practices. But does this fornication not include the sensual part of idolatrous worship too? Is the whole world not preoccupied with sensuality, as were the festive rites of Bacchus? The fish emblem might seem innocent origin. Do read our Mighty One's clear warning on "the likeness of any fish" in Deut. 4:18


We should immediately cease using the words holy, sacred, sanctified, sacrament and related words and use set-apart, separated and separate instead.

It is vital that we are precise in our language as we will be judged for EVERY WORD that we utter.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.


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May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey

May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish

Warm regards and blessings,

James Robertson

Emissary and Spokesman of Yah

16 September 2016

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