The words I have is all I have!
I was in utter doubt when a person asked me when did I actually start writing! Words stopped coming out from my hear, thoughts stopped traveling inside my mind. after skipping almost five beats, my brain asked me, "so when did you start scribbling?" after a few dry moments, my heart told me, "you started writing when you started thinking".
I remember back when I was a kid, I use to collect diaries and pens- they were my favorite! but when I grew up I developed an aversion for English because of the teacher and my lack of interest. I used to get average marks in that subject. But, as they say, TIME changes EVERYTHING! it changed me too.
I started with poetry, Man I loved to rhyme! I wrote poems on myself (no! I am not a narcissist), my family (see I told you!), and my so-called-sad-life. It felt nice weaving words and baking them into something that is pleasant to recite (at least I think so!)
After school, I entered a whole new world! Everything so new, so fresh, yet so stale that I was carried away for........ (well, we can pause the sad part!).
Then something good happened! I got to explore myself, and I applied for internships for the summer break. Things like web development, graphic designing, coding, etc. were out of my reach. I was familiar with just WORDS. I applied for a few of them and got selected (beginner's luck!). It was an in-office content writing internship in 2018. No doubt I learned a lot from it and it changed me forever. I summarized one little thing- THERE IS NO TURNING BACK!
Another year passed and this summer I completed three internships that I can at least boast about. This summer was great but indeed full of ups and downs. I met great people and had memorable incidents! I entered the freelancing field this year and yes! I want to go further (thirsty, am I?).
The one thing I know is nothing in this world comes to you without excess hard work. Do you want something? WORK FOR IT! and trust me it feels great!
Forget about rejections, be elastic! the rejections brought the best in me and they will bring out the best in you too. I am absolutely not at the zenith, but no doubt I am trying out my best to reach.
There is a hell lot to go, and in this voyage, I just have my determination and words with me. I might not reach up to your expectations because I am hustling to reach up to mine!