Words of Essential to Humanity
Metamorphosis is the process of transformation. This word not only represents themes in humanity but is a constant and essential aspect of all life. All things have to experience birth, life, and death. These three terms are essential sub-terms to Metamorphosis because without that foundation change would not exist; throughout this commonly known trinity of beginning- middle-end life changes forms.
Two themes that are closely interrelated (sub-terms) within the idea of Metamorphosis are depression and growth. In order for there to be a change in the human psyche there must be adversity; in other words, depression is what we mold ourselves against.
This theme of depression precluding growth is exemplified in puberty, the time of utmost Metamorphosis in human life. Adolescents commonly report feeling depression around the ages of fifteen and sixteen. In order for an adolescent to reach maturity, they have to experience adversity. In the midst of puberty the body sometimes provides depression, but out of that period, life flourishes more fortified than before.
This “growing pains” period is the essence of Metamorphosis. Just as when an insect cocoons itself away before it can flourish its wings, so all growth must arise from depression. Without adversity to overcome there would be nothing to gain. This is exemplified even in our social orders when the oppressed majority bands together to make changes, then progress is made.
Ambition is the attitude of humans to visualize or dream up what they want. More than anything, humans desire to cause change. This fact is apparent because of the manner in which we humans all across the world have left our mark. Whether it is the building of great landmarks of empires, the ruthless stripping of precious metals from the land, or collective learning itself, humans have always tried to leave a unique legacy on our environment.
Legacy and collective learning are two sub-terms of Ambition. Collective learning is the willingness of each new generation to pick up on and improve what the last generation left off. Through collective learning, our understanding of history grows. In history many individuals can be pointed to as “Greats”, this is where legacy comes in.
With the legacies of great men and women of the past present in the currents generations, this spurs people of the current day to be greater than the greats before them. The essence of Ambition is to desire of heraldry and legacy by being pointed to as a classic case of progress.
Ambition in and of itself is not enough to achieve real change; ambition is simply the ability to desire improvement. Aggression is a readiness to attack or confront and is the means for ambitions to materialize.
Aggression is exemplified both in humanity and the behavior of other complex life-forms. In the human world, Aggression can be expressed in many terrible ways such as war, or domestic and social violence. Though Aggression is often viewed in through its negatives aspects there are unacknowledged circumstances when Aggression is a necessity. In the natural state we humans manipulated our aptitude for Aggression by focusing on survival; Aggression was necessary for survival in pre-history, the motivation of Aggression was needed to scrap for sustenance and defend oneself.
As opposed to when Aggression manifests because of insecurity, Aggression can also be mustered to fulfill needs and ambitions. So even today Aggression is the fuel and ambition the fire of success. In order to be successful, one must be ready to confront problems or fears that stand in the way of their ambitions or needs. Aggression is the only means by which problems can be solved and ambitions met.
Instinct is an innate reaction to certain stimuli. For example when a human hears a rustle in the bushes behind us we jump around to face the source of the noise in case of danger. These innate reactions manifest because of survival traits that have evolved with us. Instinct is ever present in the human zeitgeist. Because we have to eat, procreate, guard against death, and sleep so those things have innately stuck with us.
In every situation, there is some natural human instinct because instinct is channeled through the senses, and in waking hours senses are always present. The more in touch with Instinct people become the more intimate we will become with our relationship to the environment.
We allow instinct to control us when it comes to necessities such as eating, sex, and warding off of death, but often humans rebel against their instincts. Instincts are far more present in our psyche than most of us care to acknowledge. The lack of harmony with our instincts comes from human-centric stigmas. Human-centralism is a stigma that was by generations of people who thought the human race to be better than other animals. Humans have placed taboos and restrictions on certain innate actions taken through religious and socialist sanctions because we share them with other animals, and this feels wrong to a human-centric. Intimacy is a close relationship. Instinct is the bridge between the human psyche and Intimacy. The more people can accept our oneness with the environment and abandon human-centralism, the more we correlate with and accept our environment rather than trying to ruthlessly manipulate it, then the human race will start to truly embrace life.