Words Energize Behaviors!
Mary Robinson Reynolds, M.S.
I help teachers, parents, and administrators turn around problematic behaviors in 30 seconds or less, more times than not. I teach Energetics of Behavior to accelerate learning in every single student!
Say Goodbye to the “Brat Factor:” How to Turn Labels into Launch Pads for Peace, Productivity, and Progress!
Every label you place on a child holds the power to define their future behavior and self-image.
Words hold immense power because they are energetic.
They’re like the magic we wield every day—but it’s all about how we use them.
When you call a child a “brat,” you might as well be waving a wand, unleashing bratty behavior that spreads faster than weeds in your garden.
But what if we could flip the script?
Instead of "Brat," why not ask yourself, "What's going on for this kid that they are so oppositional to me?"??
Is it about being a "Brat" or is it about VIBES?? Vibes never lie.? So is it possibly about the energetics of your connection??
Not feeling welcome, wanted, or missing a skill?
Instead of “The Wild Child,” why not refer to them as “The Discerning, Innovative Leader”?
Tuning into your language can be the game-changer that transforms tricky behaviors into resilience and confidence in our youth.
I know what you're thinking ...
"But this label isn't true!" Exactly. Not yet. Think about what your other label prepaves for the future of this child?
Picture this: You’re juggling a mountain of tasks at work, navigating through those challenging parent-teacher meetings, and trying to keep your composure when that “wild spirited child” in your class decides to showcase their talents at the most inconvenient time.
It’s enough to test your patience, right?
So the next time you hear that “wild child,” “spirited child” or "sass" ringing through your home or classroom, pause for a moment.
Instead of viewing behavior as a nuisance, recognize it as a burst of innovation and creativity!?
Or better yet, a future discerning leader?
Step back and RELABEL the scenario.
That child isn’t being difficult; they’re exploring the exciting landscape of self-expression.
Sure, their approach might need a little refinement, but that’s part of growing up!
Does all of this sound familiar?
It can feel like standing at the precipice of chaos, ready to plunge headfirst.
But here’s the good news:? Today is about planting positivity and nurturing seeds.
Let’s start re-evaluating those labels we often toss around casually, much like slapping stickers on a school folder.
You might think calling a child “sassy” adds a little flair—like a sprinkle of seasoning in an otherwise bland dish—but let’s face it, where does that lead?
More sass! It’s a relentless cycle.
You slap a “brat” label on a kid, and boom, you’ve just invited the Brat Factor into your life!
If you see problematic yet fixable behavior, why not take a step back and rewind your perspective?
After all, your words can energetically shape better futures.
Let’s nurture empowerment instead of fueling rebelliousness through labeling.
Picture this: instead of labeling that child as “full of sass,” let’s view them as “courageous with leadership potential.”
You’re not just shifting their behavior; you’re revolutionizing their self-image.
Things will begin to click when they realize someone truly recognizes the innovation flickering inside them.?
This Week's TurnAround is:? Listen to Your Words
So, the next time you feel tempted to reach for a limiting label, take a moment to breathe.
Ask yourself:
What kind of garden do I want to cultivate?
Think of alternative words like “passionate” or “enthusiastic”—terms that channel that vibrant energy into a constructive direction.
You’re not just fostering their growth; you’re also paving the way for a calmer classroom, smoother dinner conversations, and overall healthier relationships.
Remember, creating a positive atmosphere doesn’t mean you have to tiptoe around sensitive issues.
By reshaping your language shifts your energy and focus, you’re not merely surviving the whirlwind of today’s youth —you’re flourishing within it!
So, let’s embrace TurnAround Thursday with enthusiasm and an optimistic spirit.
Roll up your sleeves, take charge, and watch as those seeds of positivity sprout into a vibrant garden of confident, empowered kids ready to tackle whatever comes their way.
Now, who’s ready to get started? Then go to my profile and click on my website link!