Words of Creation for the New Era
Jill: Pssst! There’s a New Era coming. Sue: Heck! That’s no secret. a New Era is always coming, just around the corner. Jill: Yes. But, this one’s better! Sue: How so?
There’s a New Era Coming. It will be better for all. In order to understand what it will be like, we will have to understand its language. We will have to understand the words which define it. Some of those words like Create, Equality, and Fairness, we already understand to some degree. Others like Cooperation are harder to understand. The words which define this New Era are especially hard to understand if we have never experienced them. When was the last time you heard the word Cooperation? When was the last time you asked for someone’s cooperation? When was the last time you offered to cooperate? Maybe you do that every day. But most people would rather compete than cooperate. It seems like competition is our “go to word” in most situations. It may seem like we’re cooperating. But some only cooperate in order to win the competition. Peace is another term that most people seldom use. It can be considered a sign of weakness, rather than strength. In the New Era, things will flow. Now, we talk about things as if they’re a struggle, even when they’re not.
Can changing our words bring about this New Era? Perhaps, but only if we understand them. Only if we really mean them. The first people to do that will be walking on the edge between our Current Era and the New Era. Walking on the edge can be tricky at times. Staying there takes commitment. It also requires spending time letting yourself become lost in Paradise, Beauty, and Wonder. That might sound wonderful. But, most people rarely do that. There just isn't time. But, what if this New Era was important enough to us that we took that time?
?Want to take the time to learn more? The story continues.