Words Create Worlds: A Big Deal for 2025
Note what words you use, and notice your own inner dialogue.
(Even these three starting bullets create varying impact.)
Words create worlds.
This is an age-old quote that the highly gifted Judith E. Glaser used to remind those in her communication training sessions of words' importance in relationships.
For 2025, I'm reclaiming the descriptor "teacher."
When I ventured into the professional/business world from the land of theatre, I was warned that I must call myself a facilitator and coach because "teacher" is heard as less than.
I gave in - speaker trainer, coach, facilitator, mentor is what I claimed. And yet all five of those define a good teacher and so much more. When I think of the word teacher, I am overrun by unforgettable images of all those who came before me and guided me to where I am today - my teachers to whom I owe my life and career.
It’s a little thing that was a big deal.
"Teacher" is now proudly and correctly part of my profile.
What have you let go of at someone else's suggestion or prodding? Or what did you gladly let go of yourself?
What can you reclaim to define yourself?
There are so many beautiful reminders of words creating worlds. Two most recently come to mind as my colleague Dr. James Smith, Jr changed from "The World's #1 speaker performance coach" to "The Presentation Skills Doctor," which suits him so well to move from about himself to about helping others.??
And my other colleague, Jamie Dandar McKinney, reminds us of "imposter moments" instead of leaning too heavily into "imposter syndrome". I'm so thankful for her subtle and profound distinction, which gave me better words for what I attempt to explain to my coaching clients.
From our early childhood encouragement of "use your words" to the essential adult reminder that "words create worlds," let's be intentional about what we say to others and ourselves.
Claim your name.
Claim the words you use to define yourself.
It's the little things that are a big deal.
Claim awareness of words creating worlds as you navigate relationships in 2025!
B2B Writer for the Water Industry
1 个月Thank you for this insightful reminder!
Starmass Energy | Start-up Advisor
1 个月Happy New Year Hilary Blair, MFA, CEO, CSP and thank you for your words and worlds post. It put me in David Whyte mode. One could replace "questions" with "words" in this quote -- "Therefore, at any time of life, follow your own questions; don’t mistake other people’s questions for your own."
2 个月In the language of ancient magic, words have vibrations that ring with intent and resonate with effect. I love the act of reclaiming words and the reminder that words matter.
Empowering Leaders with Strategic Communication | Enhancing Leadership Presence & Impact
2 个月Let’s all claim powerful words we’ve left behind! The world needs the totality of our goodness.
Keynote Speaker | Partner | Author | Forbes Business Council | CEO Magazine Contributor
2 个月Abraham Joshua Heschel's works and words are so powerful, and this is a wonderful reminder of his caution that our words create the worlds we live in for good or bad.