Words can change your life
Just Do It!

Words can change your life

A friend of mine who works hard has a great job and is really good at it, she is consistently offered new positions because she is so awesome.??She owns her own home and a car for her daughter and herself without breaking the bank. We have many mutual friends and she is loved and people care for her.????????????

You would think with all of that she could relax and, enjoy her life. But no, she’s a firefighter going from one problem to another, she is always over-committing herself. Running from one thing to another.??She smokes and life always stresses her out and that is passed down to her daughter, she is always running.?

We were texting the other day and she said “The biggest question I am asking myself is “why am I always seeking outside validation?” That is a great question, it shows someone who is willing to take a deep dive and look and their life to find change. The problem is I really don’t think that is the problem. It’s like going to the hospital when you broke your left arm and they put a cast on your right foot.?

It reminds me of a quote “Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.” The novelist who wrote the “Game of Thrones” series.??I might modify it slightly to say “Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you?including yourself.”

You probably started reading this because of the title “Words can set you free” and by now you are wondering what that story has to do with being set free. If you’ll bear with me for one more quote “…?and?the ?truth ?will set you free.” ?John 8:32 the Bible

It has been scientifically proven and psychologists have been using it since there was psychology, Alcoholics Anonymous has helped millions of people change…step 1 tell the truth “Admit you have a problem”. Once you address the elephant in the room, shazam, everything changes, and just like that the elephant vanishes.?

The 1st?step in life-altering, miracle-providing change is to speak the truth, and here’s a little hint as to if it really is the truth. The less you want to say it the more it is probably true.?

Take a moment. What do you really want? Better relationships, more energy, and enthusiasm for life? Would you like to make more money and actually achieve financial independence? Would you like to let go of your fears and doubts and just go for it, take action right now?


Look around, do you have what you really want, do you have that relationship or more energy? Are you making the money you want are you financially independent? Do you feel anxiety over where you are right now do you feel like you can’t do it??

WOW, that’s heavy, isn’t it??

If it is, good you have found the truth! Don’t let that go, don’t turn away or try and hide from it. Just sit with that for a few moments longer, the harder that is the closer you are to a breakthrough so stay with it just a little bit longer.?

You may not have all you really wanted, you might be single or in a bad relationship, you may not have money or you might but the rest of your life is horrible.??You are anxious about the future; you are anxious about right now and doubt anything can or will change.?

This is where you are right now, and I have a miracle to offer you. Was last week the same as this week, was last year the same as this year, was 5, 10, 15 years ago the same as today??

NO, things change! Maybe not all the way you wanted or expected but they change and that means they can change again.?

But you have to start from the truth, the problem is last week, last year, 5, 10, 15 years ago you were starry-eyed and ignorant of the truth. What happens to a house built on sand…look around that’s what happens. What happens when you have a strong foundation…that house will last for centuries just like the great Pyramids, the Coliseum in Rome, and bicentennial homes all around the world. Oh, they need work, nothing lasts without upkeep but they are still going strong and so will you.?

Nina Simone’s signature song was “Its a new dawn it's a new day it's a new life for me…am I’m feeling good”.?

You can have a new life, you can have a new dawn and it can feel good! It’s as simple as speaking the truth and then DOING something different! Get a coach, do a course, watch a YouTube video, read a book, or listen to a podcast about whatever it is that you want different in your life!??

JUST DO SOMETHING or as the advertisers for Nike coined

“Just do it.”

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