Wordpress Speed Optimisation Techniques
Anika Mehta
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Wordpress is an online, opensource website creation tool written in PHP. It is one of the greatest & easiest platform to work. Some of the powerful features are: Page builders, Visual Composers, SEO friendly, Easy to Manage & Accessible. Even after having the powerful features it suffers from, however, a drawback of quite slow which not only leads to hassle for repeat visitors but will cause you to lose subscribers and customers. Without taking the right safeguards, you could end up with a sluggish site.
Some of the competent techniques are there which can help to optimise the wordpress speed like Fast loading pages which can improve user experience, increase your pageviews, and can surely help with your WordPress SEO:
1) Choose a Correct Host: Always invest in good hosting. When your web hosting server is not properly configured it can hurt your website speed. Choose a hosting plan that can handle traffic spikes efficiently.
2) Use A Fast Theme/Framework: Start with a solid framework/theme. A design that has been coded badly, or uses images throughout the design, will add unnecessary weight to your page. Choose a design that has been optimized for desktops, tablets and mobile devices.
3) Using a caching plugin: Plugins are one of the biggest causes of WordPress websites being slow. The more plugins you install without research, the more likely you will face performance issues. In simple words, when a caching plugin is active on your site, it server’s users cached copies of your pages. It greatly reduces MySQL database access, no. of PHP requests, server access for static resources, and even HTTP requests (in case of combining multiple files into one).
4) Use of CDN: CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. CDNs are the magic bullet of websites, they make everything a lot simpler and faster. Using the CDN can Offloading the static resources of the site, like images, scripts, css files, can speed up the site.
5) Optimise Image: Images bring life to your content and help boost engagement. But if your images aren’t optimized, they could be hurting more than helping. In fact, non-optimized images are one of the most common speed issues we see. Fortunately, there are amazing free plugins available which will do this process to all of the images automatically, at the time of uploading them.
6) Turn-off Trackbacks & Pingbacks: Trackbacks and Pingbacks aren’t good for your site speed. WordPress interacts with other blogs that are equipped with pingbacks and trackbacks. Turning this off will not destroy the backlinks to your site, just the setting that generates a lot of work for your site.
7) Replace PHP with HTML Wherever Possible in Your Code: To optimise the speed This one is a little bit advanced but can drastically cut down your load time just replace your PHP code with HTML whenever possible. Plain and simple HTML is a lot faster to process for web servers than PHP.
8) Optimize Your Database: You can optimize your WordPress MySQL database directly from PHPMyAdmin, or by using a plugin. There are a lot of poorly coded WordPress themes out there. They ignore WordPress standard practices and end up making direct database calls, or too many unnecessary requests to the database. This can really slow down your server by giving it too much work to do.
These are some useful tactic which can surely Optimise the speed of the wordpress website in an effective manner.
Apart from these techniques, what do you think will be the most useful technique for improving & optimising the widely used Wordpress CMS?
Sources: Google