WordPress Dashboard Explained
WordPress Dashboard Explained
What is WordPress
WordPress is a content management system that is used to Build and manage websites without coding
WordPress is used by 43.2% of all websites on the internet. (W3Techs, 2022) According to data from W3Techs, WordPress is used by 43.2% of all websites on the internet in 2022. This is an increase from 39.5% in 2021.
See the percentage of increase in one year why the most numbers of people are using WordPress for management of their websites. The Controls in WordPress are easy even beginners can also manage their websites easily in WordPress
It is easy to manage your website with WordPress than other content management systems But it is possible when you mastered the WordPress admin dashboard. here in this Blog, we are explaining About WordPress admin DASHBOARD
How to install WordPress on your device
There are 2 ways to install WordPress one is from your hosting provider and another one is to install WordPress locally
Locally means using your site for testing purposes and you don’t have to buy hosting and all your site data stored on your device.
If you want to install the WordPress locally follow these steps
But we recommend installing WordPress through your hosting provider because if you have any doubts regarding installing they will help you when they have good customer support unfortunately all the hosting providers having does not have good customer support
But don’t panic about hosting provider customer support we are listing the best customer support hosting providers you can choose anyone from the below
2. Hostgator
3. Siteground
WordPress Admin Dashboard
The WordPress admin dashboard is the place from where you will manage all your?website operations
Login to the WordPress dashboard
https://yourdomain/wp-admin/ This is the URL you have to use to login into your WordPress admin dashboard
After Entering this URL in the google search box you will be redirected to the login page of WordPress Enter your user Id and password which you created when you installed WordPress click on login to login to your WordPress admin dashboard
This is the WordPress admin dashboard this is the first place that you will see after login to your website
You can operate any function of your website from here
You can see the title of your website and dashboard options at the top of the menu of your dashboard
The WordPress dashboard Menu appears on the left side of the dashboard inside the purple box on the above image
At a glance
At this place, you can see the overview of the blog posts, posts, comments, and pages.
Header, Footer, and sidebars
The top part of your site is as called the header
Options appeared on the header
1. Menu
2. Site logo
3. Search bar
The bottom part of the site is called the footer
Options appeared
1.?Designer name
2. detailed menu, services, etc.
Sidebars are the side spaces of your site you can use them for ads and another content filling
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Appearance is the place where you can change the looks of your website
The below functions are available in the Appearance option of the dashboard for changing the looks of your website
1. Themes
4. menus
Customize the website
you can customize your website as you want with the customize option in the WordPress admin dashboard
you can customize these things?from the customize section
The theme is the tool or group of files that Rule the design, looks, widgets, menu sidebars, etc.
Themes that can change the appearance of your website from a normal range to exceptional looks
Themes are who rule the appearance of the website or blog
WordPress has a large number of themes you can choose your like one which is suitable for your niche
Select a theme that is mobile-friendly and SEO optimized themes which helps you in ranking higher on search engines and fast loading
Post is what you post on your website
Home page settings
You can select what should display on the homepage(The first place will appear to the user when they visit your site) of your site you can set a static page as your homepage. before that you have to create two pages one is to display your home page and another one is to display all your posts or blogs.
The plugin is the extension computer software to add new features to the website
WordPress has 58000 free plugins there are a lot of types of plugins available in WordPress which are very useful for your website building.
All Installed plugins appear on the WordPress dashboard menu
Some useful plugins for your website
Google Sitekit which is useful to track the performance of your website and how your audience is growing
Yost SEO is to help you with your on-page SEO
Wp forms are used to create the forms which are necessary for your website
Wordfence will help you in protecting your site from hackers?and other viruses
Updraft plus will help you with the back of your website’s information for example if you lost your website’s information by mistake updraft plus will backup your information and store it in google drive or in other sources by your selection while settings and give you one click
How to install a plugin to your website
1st Step: Select the plugin option in the admin dashboard
2nd Step: Click on add new
3rd Step: search for a plugin click on install and activate it
Simple the plugin has been activated on your website
The plugin simplifies your work
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How to create a new post
Post is content that you created for uploading to your site
Click on the post option in the dashboard
Click on add new
Create a post that was hat you want and click on the post option to post the content on your site
You can make changes to your post even after posting it on the site
The menu is the list of your website’s page links generally displayed on the header section of the site
With the menu, you will redirect your visitors to a page or post on your site
Widgets are the blocks of content that are placed on the header, footer, and sidebars of the website Mainly widgets use for ads in most cases
WordPress releases 2 updates per month?you can see if any plugin or theme updates in the updates option of the dashboard
Updates are very important for security?Purposes
You can redirect to your website view by clicking on the name of your website which is visible at the top of the dashboard
Media is the place where your all uploaded pictures and videos located on your site
The general settings of your website are available in the dashboard
Some facts about WordPress
Screen options
You can select what should appear on your WordPress admin dashboard
Click on screen options on the right top side of the dashboard in screen options select what should appear on your WordPress dashboard
BONUS TIP: If you don’t like Your website you can reset it with the help of a simple plugin called wp reset
This option helps you to organize your post according to the category, for example, if you are posting about dog training you have to create a category while you upload your post on your site
The categories option will help you in organizing your posts according to the topics.
You can place categories in Different locations on your site that help your users find exactly what there are searching for (For example Menu)
What you have uploaded on your Website for example pictures, videos, and all other media will appear here
Bonus Tip: Short pixel is the plugin that helps you to optimize the images
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All the places included on your site are called pages for example Homepage etc.
All the options in the menu are direct links to the pages if you click on any option in the menu you will be redirected to that page
Market place
This is the place where only Premium themes Plugins Services and graphics appear you can purchase them.
This is the final and very important option on the WordPress admin dashboard
In the settings option, you can see various sub-options which are listed below
Permalink is the URL structure of your post or website
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In digital marketing through websites, WordPress plays a major role. understanding WordPress is the key point to creating a good website or blog
. We have tried to explain the understanding of the WordPress dashboard in simple words if you have any doubts comment below