Wordfetti Original Series: Bite-Sized Copy Gems.

Wordfetti Original Series: Bite-Sized Copy Gems.

For those of you who aren't familiar with us: we are Wordfetti. A brand DNA and copywriting house helpin’ brands zig when others zag with psychology + WORDS.

This article is part two of our ongoing series dedicated to the #Wordfetti ABC's of copywriting. You can read part one here.

OK. Let's cut to the chase.

Bite-Sized Copy Gem #2:


The best way to do this? Forget what you want and become. your. reader. You will then be writing directly *for* your audience.

We're not saying it will be easy. But by putting in the effort to become your audience, they are going to feel a connection to you. And connection? That equals golden nuggets like higher engagement, stronger leads, and increased sales.

Here's a few gems to write for your audience:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What do they want?
  • How are you uniquely positioned to help them?

That's all for now folks. You have our word,




