Wordclouds visualize Rabindranath

Wordclouds visualize Rabindranath

I've been learning about the work of Rabindranath Tagore, including The Fugitive Gold. Reading is the best way to study, but it helps to experience his work in alternate formats; word clouds are a visual representation.

In this week's R for Data Science: Lunch Break Lessons I've experimented with the word cloud package to visualize word frequency. For example...

# RT_corpus is found at github.com/mnr - R-for-Data-Science-Lunchbreak-Lessons/01_171_wordcloud.R

RT_DTmatrix <- DocumentTermMatrix(RT_corpus, 
                                  control = list(stopwords = TRUE, 
                                  removePunctuation = TRUE,
                                  removeNumbers = TRUE,
                                  stemming = TRUE))

RT_frequent <- findMostFreqTerms(RT_DTmatrix, n = 800)

wordcloud(words = names(RT_frequent$The.Fugitive),
          freq = RT_frequent$The.Fugitive,
          scale = c(6,0.25),
          colors = brewer.pal(9, "Paired" ),
          min.freq = 2)

... produces the word cloud in the banner of this article. Here's the complete graphic...

No alt text provided for this image

You can see several themes peeking through - which provides an interesting alternative to understanding the story.

Here's the instructional video on how to use word cloud with R.

Do you find this interesting? I write every week. Subscribe to see more or check out the archives at mnRRRRRRRRRRR.


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