Wordcamp Europe 2021
Valerie Blackburn
Designer and developer experienced in producing engaging online content and developing the best design solutions consistently utilizing art, technology and industry standards.
Day 1 Track 1: Lesley Molecke and Jose Ramon Padron (Global Lead WCEU)
How Agile WordPress project management helps in improving productivity? —Martin Shukla
Client mgmt: Transition from a vendor to a consultant - Mario Peshev
The gap between what’s expected and what you deliver is where the magic happens, in business and in life. - Jay Baer, Founder of Convince and Convert
Vendors follow the rules. Consultants set them. Why switch to consulting? Leadership - consultants lead projects instead of following SOW’S.
Control - Cons establish authority and act as stakeholders.
Vision - Cons can define the vision and undertake an ongoing partnership.
Revamp Your Digital Assets
Approach with ROI in mind - Consulting is all about ROI
The Client isn’t Always Right
Ready Set Change! Simplify and accelerate organizational change - April Callis
Organizational Change is a transitional process supporting the objective of moving an organization and its stakeholders from a current state to a future state. ACMO Standard for Change Mgmt
State of Michigan, Whirlpool, International Best Seller.
WCAG 2.1 AA and HTML Living Standard,?Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Gravity Forms 2.5 recently released
Rian Rietveld, Web Accessibility Consultant, The Netherlands,?Level Level, Trainer for Elle Collective
Morgan Kay, WP Engineer, RocketGenius, 10 yrs experience, Gravity Forms product team
For more information, read this talk. lvl.li/WCEU21-GF.
Accessing API's using OAuth on the federated (WordPress) web
Felix Arntz, Lead Engineer for SiteKit plug-in
SiteKit is a one-stop solution for WordPress users to use everything Google has to offer to make them successful on the web.?
An API typically requires authentication and authorization.
OAuth 2.0?most widely used approach for third party application on behalf of the user.?Link github acct. to WP acct.?Relied on by google, github and facebook.
The user-faing OAuth flow: User wants to connect client app to their 3rd party app. Third party service prompts user for consent to grant client app access. Client app can now access data from third party service on behalf of the user through an access token.??
Marcel Tannich
WP-CLI connection The connection is made via the (SSL) Secure Server Launch.?
Make your content on your website unique. SEO is not the best method of getting website traffic. Make your own website content appealing like your client’s.?
Day 2 Track 2
Herb Miller - Full Site Editing Blocks and Themes
Day 3, Track 1
Effective Tips for Successful Partnerships, Radost Dacheva, Site Ground
Prepare, do the due diligence.
Who are their clients?
How are they selling?
Can I cater to these clients and vice versa?
End to End testing using codecept.Js.
A software testing method that validates the entire software from beginning to end along with its integration with external interfaces.
How end to end tests work?
Why we need End to End Testing? Task To Do?list
Client cannot switch to another plug-in. He doesn’t understand what you developed and the feature you provided.?
Manual Testing vs. Automated Testing
Codecept JS is responsible for bootstrapping your tests in a Node.JS process, where specified Plugins, Data objects and Browser sessions are injected and ready for use within your test suite. Multiple configurations can be used and specified to run tests based on differences between local, dockerized, or even remote continuous integration environments.
End2End latest framework and easy to maintain.
Executed test using multiple web browsers and cloud services.
ConceptJS supports BDD testing
Compatible with Backend API.
Possibility of creating Page Objects and its own helpers.
Fail fast, interactively debug, fix and repeat.
Page Object Mode
test Case Element locator
POM Design Pattern?
Page class + Test case
Locators and test script stored separately.
HL WP, Alfredo Navas
Headless Wordpress?
GatsbyJS or NextJS
A HL WP is one that uses WP for managing content and some other custom front end?stack to display that content. HP WP enables content writers to use a familiar interface while giving web devs the flexibility to use any front end Tech stack.
Future proof Solution
HL CMS enables you to release content. You can deliver the content to Smart Speakers, Mobile Apps, VR/AR, Smart refrigerators, Connected cars. moreover it can assist you to send in devices that are not yet to be released.
CSR or SSR??Client Side Rendering or Server Side Rendering?
Client side rendering
You build the React code.
Server side rendering
The difference between CSR and SSE is when the page’s html is generated. When using the CSR, the html is generated in build time. Client side rendering makes it easy to cache and fast to deliver. The term static comes from the fact that the HTML is static. It doesn’t necessarily mean the page is static.
Client side Rendering
GatsyJS Gatsby allows you to bring data from anywhere.
Is this good for SEO?
Next is good for SEO because it allows the user to utilize server-side rendering SSR. With SSR your react websites and apps take less time while loading for the first time. Also, search engines can crawl Next.JS websites and apps more easily.
Gatsby is purely SEO friendly as the websites and apps built with Gatsby deliver pre-rendered html.
Server Side Rendering or Static Generated??
Of course, both can call APIs client side. The fundamental difference is Next requires a server to be able to run. Gatsby can function without any server at all.
Gatsby is a static site generator tool. A static site generator generates static html on build time. It doesn’t use a server.
Next.JS is mainly a tool for a server-side rendered page. It dynamically generates the html every time a new request comes in with the use of a server.
Data Handling?
Next.js is open source
Gatsby tells you what to use, NextJS?
Gatsby uses something called GraphQL. GraphQL is a query language and if you’re familiar with SQL, it works in a very similiar way. Using a special syntax, you describe the data you want in your component and then that data is given to you.
Next, on the other hand allows you to determine how to manage your data. You have to decide on your own architecture and how to manage data. The benefit of that is that you aren’t tied into tech that you may or may not want to be using.?
There are no cons.?
Marital Moeva, Product Manager at Google
Hugo Prinse
Robert Jacobi, i2 Coalition?
Invisible CMS - Robert?
Cloudway - 20 yrs experience?
The agency problem.?
Jeremy Herve - Automatic
Matt Mullenweg?
Gutenberg - Block
Brian Krogsgard - There can be more and more of something. That is supposed to raise our standard of living.?
Threats to an open networking system are greed and selfishness.?
Need to collaborate with others.?
Day 3, Track 2
Value of Wordpress -?Hayward Avashiya?
What is WP? A range of resources you can use on your own time. Launched Summer 2020.
Role of the Training Team
Hari Shankar - A deputy with the WP team.?
Current need monthly sprint
For the latest visit -?https://make.Wordpress.org/training.