The Word of the Year
The word of the year in 2024 is one I know well because I've had trouble with it. That word is manifest. Like me, you probably saw Rhonda Byrne's The Secret. That video was the first I'd heard that one could train your mind to attract whatever you wanted, but there was more. I learned the thing you really wanted had to be something you were passionate about. You had to want it daily and not give up, then let it go with thanks for already receiving it.
?The concept was confusing and I guess I just didn't buy it. I could 'will' all I wanted and I still couldn't make enough money to retire early, take that trip I'd always wanted to, or buy the property I'd seen in my dreams.
?I heard I had to write out what I wanted in detail as if I already had it. That worked a little. Really, if I'm honest, perhaps there were beliefs inside me that were blocking my ability to manifest something. Did I believe I deserve or really want it? Was my Christian upbringing of serving, and not wanting anything because God would provide all my needs, getting in the way? What about my wants? Was that anti-Christian? Certainly not in some circles.
?There must be something more to it. READ MORE