A Word to Programmers
A Player by Passion, Writer, Thinker, Technology Seeker, Founder, Owner at ROMS INCORPORATION
I am fond of programming. I don't know why. Programming is like an art, like you are drawing a painting. I used to paint years before and the neatness, appeal and beauty i wanted in that is also a must requirement in programming too.
Many people can think programming involves essentially you must have a computer. But i experience a different thing, which i want to tell. In my early days during my masters in science, i was not aware of computer, i didn't know at that time, how to operate it. 486 was in use and pentium one is introducing.
One of my friend was in engineering college. during the talk he told me about his course and that they are using c (dos based) in his college. i decided to read the book to learn C. I went to nearby town as the book was not available in my city. i bought the book and read that from the very first page to last in approx 2 month. and then i started to read it again and again. i was now tired to read because i read it many time. i started to answer and make program of exercises and i was finished in almost in a month to solve the examples.
Now i thought that i should see that whether the program i made was right or not. For that i need a computer. So i found a computer center there and told them that i am not interested in the course, but i just want to practice programming. I din't know how to operate computer so i asked to faculty to open it and where to write program to run it. He open it and i typed my first program and what i see, there are prototyping error in the program because at that time in programs in books standard library files was not included, i asked again to faculty, because logically i know my program was correct. Faculty told me that i didn't include the library files and he included it. Voila....Program had run. After it i make almost all program that was in the book to computer. The owner of that center someday visited there and i was making a complex program. he saw that and said if i am interested in teaching C in his center.
And I was teaching C there. So It is not necessary to have a computer to learn programming, logic should be clear. Syntax should be clearly learn. And please don't ever make your code ugly. which is hard to debug, understand and modify.
Happy Programming.