Word-of-Mouth In The Virtual Age

Word-of-Mouth In The Virtual Age

So this lad sneaks up on me, right! He's crawling in low tones, breathless, as he chews my left ear off with this rather outlandish idea;

"Joseph, can we brand black magic? "

Am like "mmmmhhhh?!?" 

He persists... 

"I know you have seen Bollywood & Nollywood content, that sells because of the evil versus good debate, true?" 

"Of course it does, with all the enigma shrouding the supernatural, life after death, souls and spirits …this is where emotional heat is packed!" 

I nod sagaciously.

"What if we open a morgue as a sustainability plan to building a black magic brand?"

He turns it up a notch...


My phone jangles and I'm back on planet earth, the above dialogue is in reality just "voices" in my head.

I know the voices aren't real, but I enjoy interlacing them in flights of fancy. As long as I don't voice them out loud, no one gets to be shocked. 


I know you hold conferences in your head all day every day! Don't we all... It happens, more often when you're about to buy products or services you certainly don't need and have to coax yourself into the purchase. As marketers, we want you to buy first and reason later. In fact, to validate your purchase, we encourage you to convince a friend to buy too.

The word-of-mouth evolution

If you're like most people, then you absolutely rely on your intuition to guide you at the point of purchase and ensure you walk away with what you believe to be the best deal.

To ward off that pesky post-purchase overwhelming feeling of regret called buyer’s remorse, you then flaunt the product like a treasured prize on a pedestal for peers to authenticate even as you wax poetic on who, where, how, and when you got it. Since your contemporaries trust your doctrine, they will travel forthwith to the stated shop for their own piece of the prize.

"It always goes down in the DM!" as the ultimate form of word-of-mouth across Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter among other social platforms. To set it up is a no brainer. Basically, you create a profile and get a few family members and schoolmates to connect. Then over time you rally workmates, flatmates and guys you meet at the bar, and eventually even guys you don't know, but with whom you have some other guys in common, join in. Then more requests start popping.

You now have an audience of 300 people vaguely categorized under "social circles" but here's the thing, its total potluck; You have your 60-year-old cool aunt in there, and as she rarely posts, you forget all about her. She is mixed in with your new pervy- selfie addicted pal with those R-rated Friday-night jokes.

One day whilst innocently attending a burial upcountry, you notice some hard looks from this afore-mentioned aunt.

She is chatting with the local village gossips, and mid natter, she raises her voice to reach you as you stroll inoffensively by.

"Our Nephew is a pervert; I am almost blind from the nasty pictures he posts!" They throw gleeful looks at your dismayed face, believing every word.

You're in shock …This is word-of-mouth; at its most lethal!


Cycles pass and knowledge grows; now you pay much more attention to the material that you display, and secretly un-friend those with unsavory posts. You go generic and safe, especially in open platforms.

In closed group platforms like WhatsApp, you deliberately build silos and secret rooms. – “perverts” in one group, family in the other, church mates over there, and workmates over here. Now you can freely toss pious religious quotes in one room and in-depth weed tutorials in another all at the same time. You have fully gone bipolar. 

As a virtual marketer living in a virtual world, we will cross a busy road blind-folded if it would get our content to go viral, be it paid, solicited, or influenced. I am sure though, we have not taken into account the fact that consumers have grouped audiences in categories and dumbed down their rich tapestry of opinions, likes, and content tastes in public forums whilst maintaining different personas across closed-door spaces like WhatsApp. 

This is indeed an area we need to unpack further. We can split our selves onto multiple selves inhabiting multiple communities and maintain multiple identities and views. But even as we build huge networks online, the network of true friends that we can call in the middle of the night may be getting smaller. The big question to marketers is…. As you have conversations with the many faces of me, which one has the values that drive my actions and which one holds my deeper felt interests that will turn me and my ilk into buyers and believers?

Author Joseph Keya, Head of Creative, Game Changer Marketing


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