Word Magic
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will shape my reality.
Words will never hurt me
The saying is meant to encourage us at a young age to protect ourselves from outside negative thoughts and emotions; to put up a barrier.
Because in reality, those words can hurt us. They can hurt us a lot more than we realize.
You say something enough times and you start to believe it. You experience your life based on those beliefs. So when you think you're a POS every day of your life, guess what you're gonna be?
The good news is that we have a filter and we can choose to reject those negative ideas.
I'm rubber and you're glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.
Be like rubber
Because when you reject those ideas, you protect your thoughts and emotions from the negativity those words carry.
And that's why words are magic.
They carry emotion. There is so much more to a word than the word itself. And it's those emotions that give our words meaning.
Sure, words have a definition, but they can mean different things depending on how you use them. And if you don't believe me, look up the same word in multiple dictionaries. They all define those words slightly differently. And most words have more than one meaning depending on the usage and context. And some words sound the same but mean a completely different thing. What about slang? Accents... completely different languages?
Words are funny
They can shape our thoughts and our beliefs which means they control our reality. The words I write here and in my journal impact my life daily. The words I speak when talking to someone shape the conversation. The words we choose to write and say create a ripple effect that both repels and attracts those things into our lives.
That's why they call it spelling : ) I've always loved that - words are magic and we're essentially using them like we're casting magic on ourselves and those around us.
But some words are bad. Or, in my opinion, they're perceived as bad because of our collective conditioning as a society over generations passed down to us.
Curse words
These are the words so bad that they cast bad magic. They curse you the castor or the person you speak ill of.
But as I'm sure you've guessed, I disagree. Cursing to me is an expression. It's a way for me to emphasize the emotion of my thoughts. It's an incredible tool!
Think about how you feel when someone cuts you off in traffic. Damn right I want to curse that asshole lol
Then think about when something goes right in your life. Everything ended up working out and you're excited, and shocked, and life is awesome... fuck yeah!
These words have REAL power and that's why they want us to think they're bad.
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I am manifesting $1M working for myself this year. Follow the Manifest a Million Challenge every Sunday through Thursday night - a look at my progress, plans, and thoughts throughout it all.
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