A Word about Legacy, as a New Year Approaches
Jay Block (Semi Retired)
America's Motivational Rapid Employment Coach; Best-Selling McGraw-Hill Author; Co-founder PARWCC; Good Morning America Guest; Mentor to Industry Coaches and Organizations
My New Year's message to you as we approach 2023... "you matter."
Leaving your mark on the world
More than the traditional definition of leaving money when we die, legacy to me, means leaving your mark on the world.
In 2017, my eulogy for my Dad was centered on his legacy - the values and wisdom he passed on, that will be available to all future generations... without them even knowing who my dad was. For sure, my values and life have been, in some way, formed collectively by my ancestors values and wisdom. Same for you. Same for everyone.
The art of crafting a legacy - having mattered in the world
The need for significance - for having mattered in the world - is a strong and well-established need. And it's been my experience that most people have a deep desire to help others, even if it's just giving directions or helping someone across the street.
The same holds true for coaches, trainers, and educators. We have an insatiable desire to pass on our wisdom and experiences so others can benefit. So I ask you: isn't helping others the art of crafting a legacy?
Helping clients and leaving a lasting legacy
If you work with a client and teach her how to "focus on the positive, not the negative" to land the perfect job... and 10 years later she takes your advice to successfully overcome a life-threatening illness, have you not left an indelible legacy - even though this client may have long forgotten about you and your advice?
So as you reflect on 2022 and plan your 2023 - perhaps a valuable question to ask is: "how do I want to leave my mark on the world in 2023? "Why?
Because "you matter."