The "S" Word is Holding You Back

The "S" Word is Holding You Back

How many times have you said someday I'm going to do that?  Someday, I'm going to start running, I'm going to join a martial arts class, I'm going to (fill in the blank). Does that sound familiar? We have all done it! We are all guilty of the someday syndrome.

It's time to push the someday out of your mind and tell yourself that today is my day. Today is my day to take another step towards my dreams and goals. 

If you continue to use the big bad word someday you are basically saying you are not committed to that action. If making healthy changes for your life or trying a new activity is something that you really want to do then take action now. 

I used to say someday I would like to fit into my skinny jeans and not have bulges hanging out. But I continued on with my daily rituals and routines and didn't make a change.  I wasn't taking it serious. I wasn't ready to put the effort into it at that time. I finally got fed up with how I looked and how I was feeling and finally dropped that "s" word and changed my statement to, "I am going to fit in those jeans by the end of summer and be healthier." It took support, changes in my diet and exercise but I lost weight and had more energy.  Can you see how that reset in your mind can cause a shift in your actions?

Trying something new or previous failures can scare the heck out of us. I always said someday I'm going to write a book. I would start writing but I assumed nobody would want to read my amateur writing so I wouldn't let others read it. I was no A+ student in my English classes. My husband finally said to me one day (I think he was tired of hearing the "S" were too) that I should join a writers' group. Again, in my mind they were all professionals like Barbara Parks or J.K. Rowling. I decided to give it a try (way outside my comfort zone) and found a local group of writers. To my surprise the group was a mixture of published and non-published writers like me. Taking that step was huge for me! I now had the confidence to drop the "S" word and set out on a mission to get my story out into the world. Okay, it's not published yet but my goal is to have it out in the next three months. Oh Yeah!

It's easier to say someday then to put that day into action. I challenge you to move forward with something that you want to try and experience. Put the fear of commitment and failure out of your mind.

Here is your assignment: This week write down something(s) that you have been putting off but really want to do. 

Next to it write your reason why you want to do this and why it's important to you. 

Next, pull out your calendar and write your first action towards completing this goal.  For example, if you have wanted to take a yoga class then this week put a time on your calendar to research options of yoga in your community. 

Now schedule a date to checkout a yoga class. 

Bam! By taking these actions you have officially removed the "S" word.

Drop the "S" word from your vocabulary and start taking action this week!

If you need help getting a clear vision, setting actions and someone to keep you motivated, consider hiring a coach. We love to keep you moving forward so you can be successful.  


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