A Word For His People, the Church
A conversation between “my Lord & I,” 12/01/2015
The Lord' Spirit came to me today during my prayer, the Holy Spirit gave me these words and this prayer for His People, the church. I am the one who is "I AM" you know me by my name because it is I who told you my name, I am the every lasting to everlasting, I am He who was and is and is to come. (Hear your prayers), (Hear your prayers), and rejoice in your love for my Son, who also is He Who lives inside you. He gives all power to each of my children and it is through Him that all things are given and allowed to be performed. You asked Me to help you, in many areas of your life, understand the answer' you seek have already been installed within each of my children's spirit being, it is through My love for you that you have been given the complete answers and power to receive all you have asked for and all that you will ask for, because you have accepted My love for each of you. Understand My love is you, it’s in you, you are in my son, all that you are, is already mine and always has been, it was I who gave breath to the first man and every man since, rather good or evil all mankind has been mine since my creation. Your life, your wives and husband life's, your children's lives and their children all have been mine since My creation. I have made a way for all that is mine to be joined with Me through my Son, you call His name Jesus, I call Him, "I AM that I AM". the power of My Kingdom lives inside each of those who have accepted, My Son, "I AM", the power of myself is within, the power of releasing it is from your love and your mouth. I am Your God, I am your Savior, "I AM that I AM". Your feet are the carrier of My Word, who is "I AM that I AM", He is the Living Word that is now in you, My will is written on each of My children' Spirit Heart, as I would not tell you of these if it were not so. Your feet are the feet which carries my Word, the Living Word to my people in these fulfillment of days, you are under my protection because you know My Word, and Because He has accepted you and brought you to Me. Hear these words of mine, you are all mine, since the start of My creation of Human life, in your belief in, "I AM that I AM" your protection, everything you need is within you, my Holy Spirit is your Teacher, Your Guide, your Protection, call out My name to everyone you come into contact with, as your feet are mine and they carry My Living Word to all who will accept in these fulfillment of days, have no fear for you are Mine and have been since the start of My Creation!!
I said of my Lord, Lord I am Yours, everything that I am, all that I have, my life, my spirit, my wife, my children, everything is Yours Lord God down to the breath You gave me which started my being. I long to serve You, I am not great in anything without You, I am nothing at all, I am Your servant, I speak to all evil knowing that I have no power over any evil, if it were just evil and I, I would have no Hope at all, it is You Lord Jesus in me that is my everything, You cover me with Your wings, a thousand may fall at my right side and ten thousand all around me but it is not I, Lord who can protect me, it is You who lives in me and I in You. You are my savior, My God, My Lord, You are my single breath and each breath is Yours to do with as you will. I long for Your love, I long to know You more, I long to do Your will. My feet are Yours and Your Living Word is my all in all my everything, I will not stop because of the knowledge and wisdom you have placed within this human body, however Lord, the New Creature You have made me, stands, in Your Son, who has all power over everything that every was, is and is to come. My mouth will proclaim Your never-ending Love forever both here, and in the life, You have made for me after this life. Allow me to be one of Your massagers in, these fulfillment of days, teach me to speak the Words You have planned to be spoken by Your people, I thank you Lord for allowing me to be Your massager. I will follow You because of who You are Lord, "I Am that I AM", since Forever till Forever.
“Today, my Lord continues to be with me, always, never leaving me nor ever forsaking me. This also is His desire for each of us individually, that we remain “On Purpose,” ever placing ourselves, and observing and acknowledging ourselves, “IN HIM,” Already. That we each may draw never and never into Him, as the very ways, things and evilness of this present day, continues to become darker and darker all around us, yet, we shall only remain “IN HIM!”
“While I must say, when I have found myself, because of myself, separated from Him, He never separated Himself from me. When even in my own sorrows and failures, He has remained faithful, because He Loves me, now as He has always loved me. He loves you too, as He has loved me.”
“Truly, I must admit that in my own failures and errors within this life, “my LORD,” has always picked me up and brushed me off, never decreasing me, “IN Himself,” but always bring me back tom the equal or higher acknowledgement of my need at all times for my own knowing of my need for Him.”
“As He also, has desired for us each.”
“Obligations and worldly requirements, needed to live my life here as human nature requires, these have always had to be ever before me also, yet, in “my own,” desire of ever c=longing for and keeping “my God,” ever before, trying harder and allowing myself to dig a little deeper, draw a little closer, each day to my Lord, has the cares and concerns of this world and this human nature requirements, become so much easier. Because “my Lord,” has always remained within me, and above all else no matter whatsoever was going on in my life in this world.”
“My growth continues “in Him,” daily and daily must I still repent, although daily I find myself at new heights, “in Him,” simply because of His never leaving me. When I have ever failed or even when I, myself, have found at the end of the day, that I have done the very things which I prepared myself and set myself ready to not do, was the very things I found myself doing.” Example: Romans 7. “In Him, is where He called out to me, to forgive me, and to allow me to even forgive myself.”
“I have been anointed to share these words today, with whosoever shall hear these words, simply in the order and cause that we each, must acknowledge and repent and turn ever so much more this day, towards our God, who and in order that we each acknowledge that God is ever for us each, and that He has never nor will He ever be against not one of us, who maintain and try to daily moment by moment even draw ever so nearer into Him. When we call out, He always and shall always be here to answer and to guide us into Himself, deeper and greater, as the darkness all around us becomes ever darker, allowing us each “on Purpose,” to draw ever so near and deeper into Him, that we each shall shine His Light, from within ourselves, even greater within the darkness for all others.”
“It truly is when we acknowledge our own, lacks and failures, that by our very own forgiving of ourselves, that we find and acknowledge within ourselves, to forgive those who have wronged us; not in a human way nor matter, but “in Him,” through His Love and forgiveness of us each.”
“It is only within Him, that we each may find our own way through this life, when we ourselves, remain un-ashamed of our own Love after and for God.”
“The enemy would and does desire that we each become hardened in our hearts that we try to do all things upon our very own, starting with our own dismissing of God, because of our wrongs and shame before all others. It is truly when we maintain our personal relationship, “in Him,” openly that we learn that truly all have fallen short of His Glory, which releases of from the law of man, and allows us to abide in the spiritual law of our freely provided and freely given salvation, for us, yet, also for all others.’
“This is where my freedom comes from, surly he who the Son of God sets free, is free in deed.”
“Remembering, when we wrong others and do things to bring others down, we are truly only holding ourselves down in our own allowing of ourselves to be separated further and further from our own needs and requirements of Right from wrong. Allowing ourselves to become unaware of our own needs and requirements of God’s already freedom in speaking the only true Truth of His Love for us and all others.”
“I need God at all times, because simply I can not do this on my own, and now also comes my knowing also, that neither can any other.”
“God Loves you, and desires you, to love Him, “In Him,” and through Him, here and now, for our very own forevermore.”