Bookbub's featured special today is Trope-ing the Light Fantastic: The Science Behind the Fiction.
That's big :-)
If you're unfamiliar with the ebook deal-alerting service Bookbub (a) you really should check it out and (b) while the special continues, Trope-ing ebooks are really inexpensive. As in $2.99, versus the regular price of $9.99.
Here's how Bookbub presents the book:
Are time travel, aliens, and telepathy just figments of the imagination — or something more? Explore the reality behind your favorite sci-fi tropes in “the best-ever guide to putting the science in science fiction”
— Hugo Award-winning author Robert J. Sawyer
If you're not enrolled to receive SF-centric alerts through Bookbub, here's Trope-ing's Bookbub promo page; select the "Get Deal" button for links to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Apple editions. Or click the cover at left to go straight to Amazon for the Kindle edition.
(If all this is unfamiliar, here's my release-day blog post for a bit more about the book.)