In the woods with Sarah Wulf, Area Forester, Wisconsin

In the woods with Sarah Wulf, Area Forester, Wisconsin

What is your background and what are your key responsibilities at work?

I graduated from University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point with a Forest Management degree. I started out working for Plum Creek as a contract forester and assisted with a timber sale setup. I then took a consulting job with Steigerwaldt Land Services where I helped manage various small private properties and large investment properties, including the Brule River property that I currently manage with HNRG. In 2018, I became an Area Forester with HNRG to manage the Brule River property in northwest Wisconsin. I currently oversee the 70,000+ acres of Brule River which involves all things forest management related including timber sale layout and planning, budgeting, contracting, reforestation, many fun stewardship projects, and lots more.

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I love working at HNRG because it’s a company that truly cares for its employees.         

Why did you choose this career path and what does it mean to you?

I chose forestry as a career path because I love the outdoors. I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to do at first, but I knew I had to find something outside. My job here has not only allowed me to manage forests sustainably, but it’s also opened doors to allow me to work on a variety of stewardship projects that help threatened and endangered species in the area I live, such as the Kirtland’s Warbler and the Sharp-tailed Grouse.

Describe a project you’re working on that has or will make a difference in terms of bettering the environment?

I have the opportunity to work alongside the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources on helping manage habitat for a variety of rare bird species that have found home on the Brule River property. The newest project that I get to help with is promoting and maintaining habitat for the Connecticut Warbler, which is a special concern species in Wisconsin. Currently the only population of the bird in the state is found on the Brule River property, which is super cool! I’ll get the opportunity to learn what type of habitat this species needs and how I can personally help manage for it.

What do you like to spend time doing outside of work?

Outside of work I like to spend time with family and friends. I have a 17-month-old son, Mason, who keeps us running as we try to keep up with him. I also enjoy camping, hiking, fishing, and all things outdoors.

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Why do you like working here?

I love working at HNRG because it’s a company that truly cares for its employees. The importance they place on family is not something you see in most places, so I really appreciate that. The opportunities they provide for furthering and diversifying your career is also valued. I’ve been a part of new technology advancements and fun stewardship projects that would l never imagined I’d get to experience.

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What tip can you give others who want to succeed at the company?

When given the opportunity to work on projects outside of your job description, take them. These opportunities allow you to expand your knowledge and understanding of the company but also help round out yourself personally. Plus, you might get to see or do something cool in the process!

Brandon Lewis

Senior Director, Sustainability, Timberland and Agriculture at Manulife Investment Management

3 年

It is great to have colleagues like you Sarah. I love that at HNRG, stewardship and sustainability start with boots on the ground like yours. Thanks for living our values!

Cheri Woodin

Insurance Administrator at Manulife Forest Management

3 年

Loved learning about you and your family. I enjoy working with you!

Bill Peressini

Global Natural Resources and Finance Professional at None

3 年

Great to learn more about you Sarah! We have always known how important family is to you. Bill

Anne Hussa

General Manager, Lake States & Northeast at Manulife Investment Management

3 年

Love this writeup! Sarah is a pillar to our Lake States HFM team and I have been blessed to work with her for over 7 years. To watch her career and family grow has been a pure joy… little Mason is the perfect, little pumpkin:)

Tom Sarno

Global Head of Timberland Investments at Manulife Investment Management

3 年

We are fortunate to have you on our team, Sarah. How is Mason already 17 months old?


