Woodpeckers from the Apuseni Nature Park. A short documentary film

Woodpeckers from the Apuseni Nature Park. A short documentary film

A representative group of bird species for the forests of the Apuseni Nature Park are the woodpeckers, who prefer old forests where they find food and nest places in deciduous trees, which dig into the wood. They are also a source of "housing spaces" for other birds, in the abandoned gorse can later nest a wide range of different species. Within the project "Development of tools for the adaptive management of natural capital in the protected areas Apuseni Nature Park, ROSCI0002 Apuseni, ROSPA0081 Apuseni Mountains - Vl?deasa and ROSCI0016 Buteasa" co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Large Infrastructure Operational Program 2014 - 2020, we have the pleasure to we launching the short documentary film with the WOODPECKERS from the Apuseni Nature Park and the integrated protected natural areas.


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