Woo your people with your emails

Woo your people with your emails

It's V-Day.

So, let's talk about love.

Not love for a human.

Love for EMAILS.

I chatted to a colleague and good friend recently who HATES writing emails to her list.

Hates it.

Called it a 'ball-ache'.

And she's a phenomenal copywriter. Like, best in the industry type of good.

So, yes. Even some copywriters hate writing emails to their lists.

It takes time.


And strategy.

So, today, I want to teach you to love your list. To love writing emails.

Because when you do that, your people will love you back.

And that's good for business.

Now, it's not your fault.

It's not your fault that no one's taught you how to plan out your emails.

How to implement the rule of one.

How to exploit AIDA (not the musical).

How to craft sequences that draw your people in every time they see your name pop into their inbox.

It's not your fault that millions of people send SHIT emails every single day - so you think email is an invasive, sad, salesy tactic that makes people cringe.

It's not your fault that you're not into emails.

But...you have me. And I am into emails.

I love them.

I email my list almost every single day - yup. True story.

And since I started doing that my open rates have increased, my click-through rate has doubled, and people respond to me - I hear from the people on my list. It is just wonderful.

So, here's a little case study for a Friday full of luuuuuurv.

My client (we'll call her Carey, because that's her name), writes BANGING emails. Like...they BANG, FIZZ, POP. She's a productivity coach who knows her clients. She knows her audience. She is right there in the trenches, helping them.

So, when she asked me for help with writing those emails...I was honoured. Here's a kickass businesswoman, making $10K-$20K a month, and she wants help from me? Pow pow pow!

Her goal: Write emails that convert her list into buyers. And cross the $20K mark for January.

I gulp. That's a big number. I flex my wrists. Let's do this. (Do we hit the big number? All is revealed at the bottom of this post). We sit for an hour a week and we work through all her emails. And here are the biggest lessons she's learned:

Some principles:

?? Specificity: Vividly build up the emotional response in a specific way. It’s not just “you’ll feel amazing”. Instead unpack the actual CONTENT of what “amazing” looks and feels like.

??Identification with the buyer: 1. What beliefs/micro-commitments have they agreed to that you can call them on to stay consistent with? 2. What are the questions a PERFECT buyer would ask (or have asked) before saying yes? 3. What case studies/stories/proof elements can you link those beliefs and reframes to? (How can you place those beliefs in the context of what your offer will deliver?) ?? Self-forgiveness: Maybe things with your buyer are not good. They don't have what they want. They're struggling. Remind them it's not their fault. The 'It's Not Your Fault' email explains how factors beyond their control - whether close to home or global - have prevented success…and how you can help them take control. (This single email brought Carey $2,991 in sales alone)

Some templates:

?? The Superhero: Drop the reader into the action and make them the superhero of their story. Give them courage. Give them confidence. Make them feel good. When your emails do that, people want to read more from you. ?? The Spoiler Alert Show your reader what the next 8 weeks looks like after they've opted in to what you're giving them. The immediate win they'll experience The next 24 hours The next 48 hours The next week 2 weeks 4 weeks 8 weeks Make each milestone something they can see, feel, experience. Something they can absolutely visualise happening in their business and their life. In vivid detail, what does “success” look like for them?

Did Carey make the $20,000 in Jan? No. She made $33, 898. ??♀???

To woo your list, you need to get a bit woo-woo, boo

Now, this isn't easy. And here's where things get a little non-business-y.

Creating content for your list (or even just building a list) takes time, patience and strategy.

You need a lot of thinking time. You need a lot of time to reflect, brainstorm, ideate, and write emails that feel good to you.

And that means you need to feel good.

You need time to yourself so that you can reconnect with who you are, who you serve and why you do the work that you do.

You need to write every day - creatively, passionately, as an exploration, as a meditation.

The more you write, the more you go inward, the more you take time to rest and let the ideas flow, the better your emails get. It's a practice - just like yoga.

One of the reasons I send an email almost every day to my list, isn't because I want to market all the time.

It's because I want to connect and engage - with the people on my list, but also with myself. With my brain, thoughts, emotions, ideas, dreams.

So I have to take time to do that. To flex that muscle?

How are you making time for you?

Your emails are your super-power. Write them strategically and you're an unstoppable force.

Are you ready to woo your list with your emails?

I hope this helps you with your email writing. Email is the most powerful place for your marketing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you need help, I'm here. I will coach you with gentleness, kindness, and expertise. You'll never write emails the same way again. Promise.


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