Woo Woo or Woe Woe

Woo Woo or Woe Woe

You can have woo or you can have woe.

If you want a home, not just a house...if you want relationships that go deep, whose joy nourishes, you can have woo, or you can have woe.

Today as we tackle the pillar of home this article is going to challenge. This article is designed to provoke. Now you may be reading this and experiencing no challenge, no provocation, because you are already at home (pun intended) with the idea of woo, you are already comfortable with energy as a real and important thing.

Because that’s what we’re talking about here: the importance of energy as something real and tangible and critical to the Pillar of Home.

Or, maybe you're someone who thinks that when we talk about having positive energy flowing in your house, exploring ways to cultivate a positive clean, fresh flow of energy in your home and in the relationships that you foster – well maybe you think it’s just a load of bunk. The Greater Life guys drank the Kool-Aid. This is just woo that can be and should be summarily dismissed.

Yet here we are. Taking the time to explore the concept of energy as the foundational concept when it comes to building a thriving pillar of home. So let us begin with your physical space, acknowledging that if you have a physical space where dirt and dust are accumulating in layers upon layers over years and years, then what is occurring is stagnation of energetic flow.

And if we look at anything in life where there is stagnation. there begins to be disease. Where a river stagnates and dams up or dries up, then life suffers. Where water cannot reach the crops then those crops die or, if there is too much water and that water is just sitting there, stagnating then the crops will rot.

This, then, hints at the reason why cultures across thousands of years and spanning different continents gave great importance to maintaining a fresh flow of energy within a physical space. It’s why temples and homes of old were built according to the cardinal directions and the slope of the land.

Yet here we are haphazardly throwing up concrete boxes and wondering why cancer rates are skyrocketing.

And you may question the connection made there, but it is available for anyone with access to Google to check out Germany's former first lady, who championed a campaign tackling what she termed cancer houses, which were houses built upon intersections of earth energy lines, and where those intersections occurred, particularly where they were above people's beds, those people would get cancer and would suffer other ailments. Yet when they moved the bed, the people recovered.

So immediately there, we start to have some clarity, that being attentive to the energies that flow within our physical space and indeed being attentive to how we can harness those energies starts to become a mission-critical step.

Naturally, it follows that you may want to pay closer attention to the energies that flow between those you love, and those in the immediate circle of your close relationships. If you have an intimate partner, either you have been on the receiving end of energies that feel icky – hidden contracts and unspoken agreements that ultimately lead to arguments and frustration. Hopefully, you’ve also been on the receiving end of energies that feel clean and warm and safe. Perhaps even arousing.

So how we take the time to care for our energies, both in our physical home and in terms of our own personal energies is deeply important. In today's coffee cast, I explore the importance of beauty and its value in maintaining a vibrant flow of energy within a space, and within our hearts and souls.

So whether it is in your relationships or in the physical space, how can you bring love, devotion to your space and the flow of your connections? How can you be attentive to the needs of your energies and the energies of others and of your home?

Because as we build from our exploration on Monday, of flipping the script, this idea that we do not have a body that creates an energy field, but an energy field that creates a body. So we start to see that the four pillars of a Greater Life are not separate things. They are intimately, synergistically connected. The more we attend to our energies, the more we cultivate beauty, and the more we benefit both our Health and our Home (and likely our Happiness and Hustle too).

So today, how can you cultivate beauty? How can you attend to and freshen up the energies of your physical space? And of your personal self?

Because think about it for a moment…

How different do you feel when you walk out of the hairdresser's and you catch yourself in the mirror, just as the hairdresser or the barber finishes up and you see yourself...a sharper, cleaner, fresher version of you. And how do you feel when you have taken the time to be attentive to your physical appearance? We have phrases like ‘scrub up well’ and ‘looking fresh’ for a reason.

They speak to a deep underlying truth that there is vitality that comes with being attentive to our energy. And one of the ways that we can be attentive to our energy is to be attentive to how we show up in our physical appearance – not necessarily for another, though that may be a choice we choose to make...but for ourselves, to celebrate this gift of living, by stepping out in our finest energy and the garments we feel greatest in, at that moment.

And of course, while we’re here, let’s acknowledge that you have heard the cliched notion that ‘beauty comes from within.’ And this too is abundantly accurate. You have, I'm sure, experienced someone who is magnetic, who has a charisma that lights up a room. They possess that charisma because they are anchored in their power, aligned in their energy and clear in their being. And the start and endpoint of it all...is Energy.

So how can you cultivate yours today?

Listen to the CoffeeCast:





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