Wondering what your next strategic steps should be for your properties in 2025?
Phillip Richardson CD, CRRP, CSM
CEO | Co-Author & Keynote Speaker @ Black Opal Property Advisors Inc.
Your Challenges and Our Promise
The brutal disruption to property investments of all classes over the past three years is accelerating. It’s apparent that refreshing the operating and leasing approach of owners. lenders, tenants and employees is essential for new as well as existing properties and portfolios As well, with plunging values, rising interest rates and increased lender scrutiny, it is obvious that every day counts in improving strategies to meet those challenges.
It is believed that the debt on $1.6 Trillion of commercial real estate in North America must be renewed or extended by the end of 2025. Succeeding with new project financing will go to the proactive owners who use their ingenuity and experience investing in their buildings with leading-edge differentiators. This will create a powerful brand strength for projects and companies.
Remember that the best way to survive a bear attack is not to outrun him but to outrun your competitors!
In keeping with these imperatives, our team of internationally experienced subject matter experts has given considerable thought to addressing the situation and we have developed a menu of initiatives that have worked well for other perceptive Owners. Our team can support and deliver the full range of responses in each category, to which we continuously add through our ongoing international research. Once approved, our team will deliver them cost effectively. Black Opal’s role begins by recommending the optimal mix of new strategies for each property opportunity based on its unique circumstances for your consideration and approval.
Write to me, Phillip Richardson, CEO, at [email protected].