Robert Clemons
Author of ONE UNIQUE BREATH, (A nonfiction book exploring some of the profound issues of life) and THE HIROSHIMA AGENDA and THE FOUR RIVERS OF EDEN, (novels in the science fiction genre)
Just wondering . . .
. . . What happens when we pass through the doorway from here to THERE?
Just wondering . . .
. . . Does it go anywhere?
Just wondering what it’s like to not be here . . .
. . . to be SOMEWHERE that’s never been in a photograph . . .
. . . to be SOMEWHERE that’s never been clear.
What will be my epitaph?
Will I see my loved ones again?
Will it be my first time, or will it be RETURN number ten?
What will it be like . . . not being here?
Just wondering . . .
. . . What if there’s no doorway . . . just a wall . . . the last wall we ever see?
Just wondering . . .
. . . Will I still be me?
Just wondering if the most relevant question really is, “to be or not to be” . . .
. . . or if we should ask, “if we ever mattered or never mattered.”
Is there really an ALMIGHTY ONE WHO ALWAYS SEES and KNOWS me?
Or, are we merely temporary things that are tossed away when tired and tattered?
Does the universe know or care whether I’m here or gone?
Are the lyrics to the music of the stars, “Leave me alone?”
What will it be like not being me.
Just wondering . . .
. . . If Einstein was right . . . that past and present and future co-exist . . . won’t we ALWAYS as well?
Just wondering . . .
. . . If I’m ALWAYS in my cubbyhole of time and space, how can I also be in HEAVEN or hell?
Just wondering how I feel the spiritual universe touching my soul . . .
. . . but barely feel connected to the resulting particles of the Big Bang of Creation?
Why do I feel blocked from experiencing the whole?
I’m an island, stranded in an infinitely expansive sea of frustration.
Is there any hope for us who are trapped within a dying world?
Is there any future for souls residing in a universe eventually furled?
What will it be like not being.
Just wondering . . .
. . . What if there really is a GOD WHO LOVES us, and a DOOR GOD OPENS when we pass?
Just wondering . . .
Just wondering what it’s like to be THERE FOREVER . . .
. . . fully basking in the PURE LOVE of GOD . . .
. . . the eternal circle, unbroken and never again severed.
That’s quite an EVOLUTIONARY leap for a former lump of sod.
I will ETERNALLY BE with my LOVED ONES for the first time in PARADISE . . .
. . . no more tears, no more death, no more worries, no more lies.
What will it be like to be the REAL, TRUE ME for the first time . . . ever?
Robert Clemons is an author. If you like his mind, reflected in this poem, you will enjoy his two novels, The Four Rivers of Eden, available at Amazon.com by clicking www.amazon.com/dp/B07YGQHNK7 and The Hiroshima Agenda, also available at Amazon.com, by clicking www.amazon.com/dp/B00XXCVODO Both of these novels are in the Science Fiction genre. The Hiroshima Agenda is primarily Christian fantasy; perhaps it could be said to be The Chronicles of Narnia for adults.
Author of ONE UNIQUE BREATH, (A nonfiction book exploring some of the profound issues of life) and THE HIROSHIMA AGENDA and THE FOUR RIVERS OF EDEN, (novels in the science fiction genre)
4 年I think I was born wondering about stuff. Read this poem if you were too.