Wondering how to determine the ideal architecture for your project?

Wondering how to determine the ideal architecture for your project?

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The size and complexity of your project are key considerations. For example, if you have multiple multidisciplinary teams working independently with different frameworks and a tight deadline, an architecture based on MicroServices integrated with MicroFrontEnds may be suitable.

However, for highly complex applications with strong coupling and significant impact on other systems, migrating to a new architecture can be expensive and time-consuming, so it may be better to make gradual changes.

And how to create components and microservices with a focus on decoupled databases? For large monolithic applications with low volume of requests, keeping the same structure and improving query performance may be the way to go.?

To ensure good code quality, it's important to use clean code methodologies such as DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), KISS (Keep it simple, stupid), and SOLID, which can help reduce ambiguity and errors in coding, improve test cases, promote design simplicity and develop dependency injection.

The best architecture ultimately depends on a variety of factors, such as cost, team development effort, learning curve, implementation and testing, as well as effective communication and governance processes between business and IT teams to ensure clear requirements and responsibilities.

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