The wonderful world of temporary staffing

The wonderful world of temporary staffing

It’s a tough job market out there right now, but you don’t need me to tell you that. Finding work can be challenging, especially for young people who are just starting their careers, as well as for those who are older and trying to move into a new career. You may feel as though you’re caught in a catch-22: You need the experience to get the job, but you can’t get experience without a job. However, many people are finding that the answer to their problem is to temp.

Working as a temporary and contract Recruitment Consultant, my job is to find candidates for companies that need people to fill in on a short or long term temporary basis. The wonderful world of temporary staffing varies from one role to the next. This could be for a few days, a few weeks, a few months or even longer than a year.

Temporary work doesn't just benefit the candidate but also the client too because it doesn't incur all the administrative costs of placing an ad, interviewing and possibly training a new employee dependent on the role. It also saves by time as it’s myself, the temp consultant, who handles all the payroll and general candidate queries element of the placement.

So what are the advantages of temping…?

Gaining exposure - Temping gives you the opportunity to see what different company cultures are like and what you prefer as an employee. Do you thrive in a fast-paced environment? Do you enjoy sitting at a desk? Do you prefer working for a large blue chip organisation or a small company? Now is the time to discover what you’re good at and what you really want out of a job. You can also learn about career fields and experience that you might not otherwise be exposed to. This type of exposure could make all the difference when choosing your future career.

Transition into permanent employment - Once you’re on the job as a temp, the employer gets a chance to see you shine and discover what you can bring to them. Don’t be surprised if what started out as a short time assignment turns into a permanent job offer. If and when that time comes, you’ll know if this is a company that you want to stay with long-term.

Enjoy flexibility - Most temp jobs are full time hours per week and when your assignment is over, you can take some time off if you’d like. If you wanted to go off on a month long adventure, you can. And if you’re a reliable temporary candidate then upon your return, I as temporary consultant can be sure to place you in another position.

Gain skills and experience - I've met several candidates in the past who have been laid off from their jobs and are now trying to move onto a more lucrative career. Taking courses at your local college or adult education school will teach you new skills, but nothing teaches you as well as personal experience. On-the-job experience is the ideal way to prepare yourself for a new line of work. If you can prove that you have some basic skills, they will very likely place you in jobs where you can work under supervision and further enhance your skill set.

And the good news is…

Temp jobs are on the rise and experts interpret this trend to mean that employers are starting to think about hiring. The move to more temporary hiring indicates that employers are willing to try out potential candidates for permanent jobs. What this means for you is that working as a temp could very well blossom into a permanent, full-time job or as the candidate, you can bring a skill to a company that they may not already have. Temping can open a window of opportunity for both the candidate and client.

So, if we were to go back twenty years ago, even 10 years ago, temp employees were a quick fix during busy work months or temporary coverage during illness, vacation or maternity leave. Today it’s safe to say that temps are essential to almost every business and bring much more than just ‘cover’ to an organisation.


