The Wonderful World of Parliamentary Procedure
More from the Epsilon Sigma Phi professional conference in Billings, MT:
I have been so impressed by the workshops I have attended at this conference, and this topic in particular has been so relevant to my community work: Robert's Rules of Order and Zoom.
Robert's Rules of Order are one type of Parliamentary Procedure--that is, rules of how to run a public meeting. 4-H clubs and 4-H volunteer associations generally use this system, and it may also be familiar from local government meetings and committees, or partnering organizations (like a Fair Association.)
I never felt like an expert on this procedure, though its components and vocabulary were always familiar. And then, during lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19, my organization suspended in-person programming on and off for more than two years. The complexities of running meetings with Robert's Rules over Zoom were many!
Personally, it was such a comfort for me to be in a room with fellow Extension professionals from all over the US, hashing out similar questions together. We have all had different but also similar experiences trying to utilize and understand Robert's Rules of Order to run or simply participate in public or community meetings that are inviting and equitable, and let all voices be heard.
I am so thankful to have attending the Epsilon Sigma Phi conference for Extension professionals, to share these tips and seek answers together.