A Wonderful Woman Needs Your Help

Hi All.

Just a quick word about a good friend of mine who works for NAMI and does incredibly good works and saves lives. She has worked in the Mental Health Field for over a decade and is a “Peer Specialist” who supports those in need especially in the area of suicide prevention. She has held positions with Key Consumer and NAMI ( National Alliance on Mental Illness ) both on the Regional, State and National Level. Her most recent position was the Executive Director of NAMI Greater Indianapolis. She has now concentrated her efforts in the State of Illinois and Florida but she has found that Florida has inadequate funding for Mental Health issues and suicide prevention. For four months now she has volunteered her time and used her own money to try and get her important messages out. She wants to continue to do so at the NAMI Florida State Convention but she needs “Sponsorship”. Her name is Kimberly Comer. Please check out her FaceBook page and her “Go Fund Me Page” at GOFUNDME.COM. If we all give her just five dollars she can continue on with her wonderful work and most likely save a myriad of more lives so we don’t lose people like the recently departed Kate Spade and Tony Bourdain. I will be doubling all donations on gofundme.com-Kimberly Comer-NAMI so please help Kimberly and NAMI with their suicide prevention efforts and other Mental Health and Opioid Abuse Programs.

Thank you,


