Be wonderful!
I Often sit in the areas of the apartment or house I'm praying over. Today, I sit in my son's room. This week's memory verse is Psalm 139:14a, "I will praise you oh, Lord, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." I say this verse to my son when we eat, when we face conflicts, and when there's an unexpected blessing or opportunity of gratitude. Getting into this practice becomes reflexive. When I'm talking to building contractors, facing opposition in the job search, or aspiring toward dreams that seem unstable, my faith helps me find who and what create stability. This is the act of wondering. I teach my son to wonder, to question, to explore. Living in community with others teaches me I can wonder as long as I have grounding. Gathering a space of gratitude, or praise help me appreciate the necessary steps for my existence and exploratory creations. How will you appreciate your space today?