Wonder Makers X Awwwards 2022
Wonder Makers
A digital product studio focused on delivering high-end web development and design.
The architecture in Amsterdam is unlike any other place we have been. It's full of design and beauty, with understated architecture. The event we attended last week was the Digital Thinkers Conference 2022 - an event organized by awwwards.
Conferences are a great way to strengthen relationships and build skills within your team. They also give you the opportunity for some bonding time away from the studio, which can be important when it's just one on ones all day!
The Awwwards 2022 conference was the place to be if you’re a web designer, developer, or digital studio. It brings people together from all over the world looking for inspiration and knowledge regarding what's new in digital design – this year, it was Wonder Makers turn to come and join in the fun and network with the best designers and visual wizards in the industry at the stunning ?DeLaMar Theater.
The conference got off to an exciting start with some early morning jazz music from the "Dupa Trio,” juxtaposed by keynote speaker Peter Smart explosive energy.
The event comprised a two-day session where 20 speakers spoke about animation, the metaverse, and how to create ideal conditions for a fulfilling work/life balance.
Here are some of our best moments, highlights, and takeaways from the Awwwards conference 2022.
Louis Paquet observed that Animation in web design is a better option as an interactive way to help users better understand the UX. It also sparks creativity by opening up new possibilities that wouldn't be possible with just a static image or text alone!
We couldn't help but think about how many websites have illogical UX layouts through a hilarious analysis by Vitaly Friedman
Suchánek Marek and Irene Pereyra dropped a bomb! ** Creativity is the key to long-term success. Since creativity can be difficult, many people turn towards trends for their work or designs not to seem boring and unchanging - but this leads them down an inevitable path of mediocrity as they copy others' ideas without any original thought put into it at all!
Bruno Simon was all about balance. He believes that we should always be learning and passing on our knowledge to others, but staying in one place too long without moving can lead to stagnation. So make sure you surround yourself with like-minded people And don't forget those goals--set them high!
The award-winning websites Luis Bizarro creates with web GL are indeed art, and it was inspirational to learn from him.
Lars Koelman opened our eyes to the idea that creativity knows no bounds and that work should be like play. He incorporated live music into his showreel presentation and why doing the unexpected is a mission statement.
The Awwwards conference was a tremendous experience. We can't thank the organizers enough for all that went into planning it and ensuring we had such a great time!
Nothing is more satisfying than seeing your ideas come alive through the power of design. As designers, we must be able to take inspiration and turn it into something substantial that adds value to people in this world. Let’s do that together!
See you next year!
Thank you so much! ??