Is Wonder Enough?
My nephew who has two high school daughters enroute to college one day soon send me article about the notion of "wonder" and asked for my thoughts about it...I've often seen it touted as a magic synapse to innovation, but felt the wondering may not lead to innovative or inventive action. Here was my response:
I think a ‘sense of wonder’ is nice - but many schools fall short - by thinking it’s enough. From a brain stretching perspective, the individual needs time to socially use stuff they are learning (“talk it”, per say), but then they need to be on their own to think through stuff - plan, revise - kind of like being in the war room of your mind... you can’t just wonder - you need to do something about which captures your interest....You need a pen, a computer, a sketch pad - something to etch out your musings with self...when time is built in for these tuggles and tinkering with ideas, then the individual is more equipped to go take it to the social level. Vygotsky said you need to go back and forth between the social and the individual thinking modes - to develop further one’s individual and collective thoughts. Schools in NA pretty much ignore this psychology - as our systems are set up for rote learning IN A RANDOMLY SPECIFIED TIME - based on the gross assumption that this is what’s best for our kids - in terms of education - NOT. Wondering is just the tip of the iceberg, and many experts think that’s enough to make a difference. I think not.