Women’s Trends in Cycling
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Each year, more and more women around the world take up cycling and join the community of urban riders. However, the proportion of female cyclists out on the road still remains much smaller than that of male riders. Cycling started out as a male-dominated sport and its popularity among women has lagged because of exclusionary policies and biases against female riders.
It’s an uphill battle, but there are success stories across the globe advocating for women in urban cycling. Let’s take a look at current inclusive policies in Latin America and several reasons why more women should start riding bikes in the city.
The most recent research on the gender gap in urban cycling, published in January of this year, shows that female representation is still lacking in most of the cities around the world. With the exception of German cities, male cyclists largely outnumber women riders. Bogotá, Colombia, often heralded as the cycling capital of Latin America, boasts solid aggregate numbers but the gender split still exists.
Bogotá and other cities are using that data as motivation to invest in improving bike infrastructure and encourage women to cycle more. Bogotá is planning to operate a large-scale bike-sharing system of at least 3,300 bikes, similar to the huge system in Mexico City. A portion of the fleet will have seats to carry kids, helping out during the trips that typically fall to mothers. Another project in Paraguay called “Sustainable Assumption” hosts a women’s bike ride in for a more inclusive transportation system. All across the continent, there are group rides rising above the past prejudices against female urban cycling and encouraging new riders to join the community.
With recent expansions to the cycling paths in Lima and Bogotá among others, city biking is becoming a more welcoming activity open to anyone. There are more female racing teams, more female bike mechanics, and a larger awareness of biking as a sustainable way to cut down on pollution in the city.
With the slight fall in usage of public transport during the Covid-19 pandemic, people turned to biking as a way to get to work, school, or do some exercise. Cities are responding to the larger number of female cyclists and bike brands are analyzing the changing trends. There are innovative ideas on female-specific design, style, and safety.
Female cyclist activists, such as Alba L. Gareca Cruz from Bolivia, say that biking is a way for women to claim the streets as their own. The more women out there biking, the safer the urban environment will be for others, as well as for children. Biking is a source of independent freedom and empowerment in cityscapes that are often chaotic and busy.
Reasons why urban cycling is a great idea:
#Benelli Bike supports all inclusion initiatives. We bet on women's cycling.?
Stay updated on the growing numbers of women in cycling and how you can support inclusive urban biking for everyone. Happy Women's Day!